The proximity to a sea shoreline is an economic factor for industrial development. Shorelines habitat ports and harbors, and provide marine-based industry. Also, seawater can be desalinated such as Suez Canal, the Timsah lake, the bitter small, and large lake, and provide urban populations wit...
Shoreline Change along Sheltered Coastlines: Insights from the Neuse River Estuary, NC, USA. Remote Sens. 2011, 3, 1516–1534. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kuleli, T.; Guneroglu, A.; Karsli, F.; Dihkan, M. Automatic Detection of Shoreline Change on Coastal Ramsar Wetlands of Turkey. ... is a GIS portal also known as Geospatial One-Stop (GOS), which serves as a public gateway for improving access to geospatial data and map services in the United States. GOS was built to address the need for a comprehensive geospatial data catalog—one location where a user can...