As a result, social fragmentations and imbalances between Israel and Palestine are largely reproduced through OSM data. Discussing the low involvement of Palestinians, I argue that OSM's ground truth paradigm might be a watershed for participation. Presumably, the project's data are less meaningful...
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ This repository contains scripts and data for creating population density maps, ## Maldives  ## Israel  ## Palestine ![Pal...
**A Gift of Meaning and Connection** This necklace is not just a piece of jewelry; it's a thoughtful gift that speaks volumes. It's an ideal present for those interested in the history of Israel and Palestine, as well as for those who appreciate the prophetic connection between the two...
Israel is still 'Palestine' on Saudi Arabia's new map despite peace talks The updated map comes as the kingdom let the US know that resolving Palestinian issues is critical for any normalization deal with Israel. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF ...
There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine How many countries belong to the United Nations?
"It happens a lot that the word Israel creates a discourse, and while we were talkingI wanted to show him where Israel is located on the mapon the screens on the plane. When I saw the map I was amazed. […] "It was written 'Territory of Palestine' in an inscription significantly la...
The Israeli government's much-hyped plan toabsorb parts of the Palestine-claimed West Bankinto Israel in 2020 didn't happen (at leastnot yet). But in May 2021, the region was once again making headlines amid anew wave of fighting. So who actually controlled what parts of Palestine and Isr...
Israel has imposed different forms of settler colonialism across the map of historic Palestine, but nothing can be taken for granted. The refugee camp is itself a spatialization of a political demand, a space of waiting for an eventual return....
Bordered by Israel and Palestine on one side and Jordan on the other, the Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth. Set amongst the desolate Judean Desert, the lake’s blue waters and salt-lined shore stand out delightfully against the arid, moon-like landscapes around it. While its staggerin...
Damien Henderson