学而美K12国际教育MAP测试成绩年级平均分和百分比对照表 This chart defines HI¬㎡ goal scores by grade level and MAP testing season. Based on 2008 RIT Norms, LO is equal to percentile scores <33; HI is equal to percentile scores > 66; and AV is equal to percentile scores between 33 and ...
Learn about NWEA MAP Test scores. Use TestPrep-Online’s score charts and percentile tables to understand your child’s RIT score, and how to improve the next one
map测试成绩年级平均分和百分比对照表wwwusk12com学而美k12国际教育 MAP测试成绩年级平均分和百分比对照表 学而美K12国际教育 This chart defines HI‐AV‐LO goal scores by grade level and MAP testing season. Based on 2008 RIT Norms, LO is equal to percentile scores <33; HI is equal to percentile ...
PercentileMathematicsLanguage UsageReading Higher Achievement90 84 69160 152 146n/a n/a n/a157 149 143 Median and Mean50140n/a137 Lower Achievement31 16 5133 127 119n/a n/a n/a131 124 117 1st Grade NWEA MAP Test Scores: By the end of first grade, students are expected to read simple...
Percentile Range:与所有同时间参加考试的同年级学生相比,获得的百分比。三个数字中,中间的数字是这个学生的百分位排名,左右两个数字为百分比误差范围。 这部分会显示RIT分数范围或描述: Low:代表学生的目标分数低于21% LoAvg:代表学生的目标分数落在21%-40%之间...
RIT Growth:两个学期之间,RIT值较上次成绩的增长值Growth Projection:对学生参加下次考试的成绩增长预测 Percentile Range:与所有同时间参加考试的同年级学生相比,获得的百分比。三个数字中,中间的数字是这个学生的百分位排名,左右两个数字为百分比误差范围。 【RIT分数范围或描述】Low:代表学生的目标分数低于21% LoAvg...
6 Percentile Range 百分比排名 这里是与全美统计数字相比的,比如图中该学生在FA22也就是22学年秋季学期的成绩,高于87%的学生。 涛老师有话说 要走向国际教育之路,必须提前规划和学习,对杭州湾、星校有意向的同学和家长,建议提早规划,提前1-2年开始规划,机会更大。我是涛老师taoge36524我们为想要进入杭州湾、星...
Growth Projection:This number indicates the average growth of students in the same grade at the same term at a similar RIT score. Percentile Range:The number in the middle is the student’s percentile rank. It indicates the percentage of students who had an RIT score below this student’s ...
MSCI ESG Quality Score - Peer Percentile as of 21-Dec-2024 68.94 Funds in Peer Group as of 21-Dec-2024 161 MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity % Coverage as of 21-Dec-2024 45.48 All data is from MSCI ESG Fund Ratings as of 21-Dec-2024, based on holdings as of 31-Aug-2024. As...
MSCI ESG Quality Score - Peer Percentile as of 21-Nov-2024 69.14 Funds in Peer Group as of 21-Nov-2024 162 MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity % Coverage as of 21-Nov-2024 49.36 All data is from MSCI ESG Fund Ratings as of 21-Nov-2024, based on holdings as of 30-Jun-...