Finally, using an application for curve fitting, the model achieves an empirical formula that can calculate the degree of spatial similarity using map scale change as the sole independent variable, and vice versa. This formula can be used to automate algorithms for point feature generalization and ...
scaleX:Number The multiplier to use to scale the x displacement result from the map calculation. DisplacementMapFilter scaleY:Number The multiplier to use to scale the y displacement result from the map calculation. DisplacementMapFilter Métodos públicos ...
IMultiThreadedCalculation IName INames INegativeBarFormat Interior IODBCConnection IODBCError IODBCErrors IOLEDBConnection IOLEDBError IOLEDBErrors IOLEFormat IOLEObjectEvents IOLEObjects IOptionButton IOptionButtons IOutline IOval IOvals IPage IPages IPageSetup IPane IPanes IParameter IParameters IPhonetic...
CalculationProperties CalendarValues Cell CellCommentsValues CellFormat CellFormats CellFormula CellFormulaValues CellMetadata CellStyle CellStyleFormats CellStyles CellType CellValue CellValues CellWatch CellWatches CharacterValue ChartFormat ChartFormats Chartsheet ChartSheetPageSetup ChartSheetProperties ChartSheet...
PjCalculation PjCalendarBarType PjCalendarDateLabel PjCalendarShading PjCalendarType PjCell PjCheckOutType PjColor PjCommitmentTaskLinkType PjCompareVersionColumns PjCompareVersionItems PjComparison PjConstraint PjCopyPictureFor PjCopyPictureRows PjCopyPictureScaleOption PjCostRateTable PjCreatePublisher PjCriteri...
2.185 ScaleLabels 2.186 ScalePin 2.187 PinLabel 2.188 ScaleRanges 2.189 ScaleRange 2.190 TopImage 2.191 NumericIndicators 2.192 NumericIndicator 2.193 NumericIndicatorRanges 2.194 NumericIndicatorRange 2.195 RadialGauges 2.196 RadialGauge 2.197 RadialScales 2.198 RadialScale 2.199 RadialPointers 2.200 RadialP...
MultiThreadedCalculation Name Names NegativeBarFormat ODBCConnection ODBCError ODBCErrors OLEDBConnection OLEDBError OLEDBErrors OLEFormat OLEObject OLEObjectClass OLEObjectEvents OLEObjectEvents_Event OLEObjectEvents_GotFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_LostFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_SinkHelper OLEObjects OptionB...
Because there is no formula for a precise calculation of an optimal dirty_mbr_batch value, the best practice is to set up an environment to test different settings. When selecting a value, consider the worst case scenario. Two extreme scenarios to avoid are: a) the value is so small that...
MultiThreadedCalculation 名称 Names NegativeBarFormat ODBCConnection ODBCError ODBCErrors OLEDBConnection OLEDBError OLEDBErrors OLEFormat OLEObject OLEObjectClass OLEObjectEvents OLEObjectEvents_Event OLEObjectEvents_GotFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_LostFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_SinkHelper OLEObjects OptionB...
ColorScaleCriteria ColorScaleCriterion ColorStop ColorStops Comment Comments ConditionValue Connections ConnectorFormat Constants ControlFormat Corners CubeField CubeFields CustomProperties CustomProperty CustomView CustomViews Databar DataBarBorder DataFeedConnection DataLabel DataLabels DataTable DefaultWebOptions Diagra...