noScaleBar = false, noIce = false, fullMap = false } = options; } = options || {}; const cloneEl = document.getElementById("map").cloneNode(true); // clone svg @@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ async function getMapURL(type, options = {}) { const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowe...
0.13.7: Map size is now limited to 2000 km by 2000 km with a black bar rather than crashing when reaching this distance. 0.13.0: Map generator algorithm changed, further resource field now have greater richness.
size() ||"display") === "none") return; const px = isNaN(+barPosX.value) ? 0.99 : barPosX.value / 100; const py = isNaN(+barPosY.value) ? 0.99 : barPosY.value / 100; const bbox ="rect").node().getBBox(); const x = rn(svgWidt...
0.13.7: Map size is now limited to 2000 km by 2000 km with a black bar rather than crashing when reaching this distance. 0.13.0: Map generator algorithm changed, further resource field now have greater richness.
CUBEHELIX_VIEW creates an interactive figure that allows selection of the colorscheme, and that contains two colorbars showing colors of the colormap and the grayscale equivalent. R2014b or later: CUBEHELIX_VIEW can also update other axes' or figures' colormaps in real time, for exam...
NSGestureRecognizer_NSTouchBar NSGestureRecognizerDelegate NSGestureRecognizerDelegate_Extensions NSGestureRecognizerState NSGesturesProbe NSGLColorBuffer NSGLFormat NSGLTextureCubeMap NSGLTextureTarget NSGlyphGenerator NSGlyphInfo NSGlyphInscription NSGlyphProperty NSGlyphStorageOptions NSGradient NSGradientDrawin...
To plot lands and countries on the map, we're using TopoJSON library. The map can be generated through this tool:topojson-map-generator. Dataset requirements In order to plot your dataset on a map, there are minimum set of columns needed. ...
ImageGenerator ImageGroup ImageIcon ImageLoader ImageMap ImageMapFile ImageTest ImmediateWindow Реализовано ImplementedOverridden Реализации ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden ImplementingOverriding ImplementInterface Импорт ImportCatalogPart ImportFilter ImportSettings Вк...
IGUIDGenerator IGUIDSet IGxFilterInfo IHistoricalClass IHistoricalMarker IHistoricalTrafficData IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator IHistoricalVersion IHistoricalWorkspace IIdentityXform IIndex IIndexedGUIDSets IIndexEdit IIndexes IIndexesEdit IInvalidObjectInfo IItemInfo IItemInfo2 IItemInfos IJSONConverterGdb ...
Release 30February 2024 The header of each card shows the Epic name followed by Product and Release information. Beneath is a list of related Features. The state of individual Features controls the position of cards within the columns. When Features belonging to the same Epic are in different ...