Despite encompassing an incredible five million-plus square kilometers by 117 AD, the vast expanse of the Roman Empire wouldn't be enjoyed for much longer.
The map of the Ottoman Empireyou see above shows the spread of the empire over time. These conquests took place in the 400 years between 1299 and 1699, during the rise of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, which reached its peak in the years following the death ofSuleiman the Magnifi...
Map created by Wikimedia user Alphathon, click for larger versionThe map above is written in German and shows the Holy Roman Empire during the reign of the
This probably was the age when the prosperity and romanization of the province reached its height. The town populations and the educated landowning class spoke Latin, and the people of Britain regarded it as a Roman land, inhabited by Romans. The civilization which had thus spread over half ...
when it was replaced by theTurkish Republicand various successor states in southeasternEuropeand theMiddle East. At its height theempireencompassedmost of southeastern Europe to the gates ofVienna, including present-dayHungary, theBalkanregion,Greece, and parts ofUkraine; portions of the Middle East ...
A wall map of the Roman Empire at its height circa 117 AD, which has been extinsively researched and is popular with academics, schools and individuals alike for the home, office or classroom.
Below is a map of the Vijayanagara Empire at the height of its power. At this time, Krishnadevaraya, regarded as the most famous and greatest of the kings, reigned over the empire. Presently, the city of Vijayanagar is called Hampi, named for the ancient ruins which predated the original...
At its height, the Parthian Empire spanned from the Mediterranean Sea, all the way to India and China. Parthia itself was located near the modern region of Khorasan in Iran. The center of the empire includes modern-day Iran, and included parts of modern-day Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, and Afg...
the Roman Empire at that time was traversed in all directions by roads furnished with mile-stones, that the Agrimensores employed upon such a duty were skilled surveyors, and that the official reports of the commanders of military expeditions and of provincial governors were available, this map,...
On your first day, we’d recommend starting with the Colosseum. Built almost 2,000 years ago, when the Roman Empire was as its height, this is a must-see attraction in Rome. The Colosseum is a popular attraction, and you’ll want to reserve your time slot in advance on theofficial we...