Aside from the war railroads dealt with other issues throughout the 1860's, such as numerous track gauges and a lack of sufficient bridges spanning major waterways. Issues like these resulted in a lack of fluidity.PhotosMortar technology was not new during the Civil War but making it mobile ...
Rather than invest in factories or railroads as Northerners had done, Southerners invested their money in slaves—even more than in land; by 1860, 84 percent of the capital invested in manufacturing was invested in the free (nonslaveholding) states. Yet, to Southerners, as late as 1860, ...
in the northwest increased, flour millingsupersededlumbering as the leading industry (the last lumber mill closed in 1919). Railroads, which multiplied connections withChicagoand the south and with the east through Sault Ste. Marie,Michigan, were completed in the late 19th century. AfterWorld War ...
of the US. Here is an educational documentary from the time by the 31 members of the Illinois Association of Railroads. It examines the problems facing railroads in the 1950's such as competition from cars, trucks and planes, as well as the unfair tax burden faced by railroads at the ...
1 3 Railroads Pacific Electric Plans - 1943, Suburban Railway Map - 1905, Southern Pacific Railroad Tracts - San Pedro - 1904-1905, Southern Pacific Rail Lines 1918 & 1938, Long Beach & East Rattlesnake & Terminal Island Route 1888, Terminal Island 1907, Los Angeles - Utah & Atlantic Railro...
Delaware railroads feature one of the nation's first railroads and while today it has nearly the fewest rail miles of any state its rails are critically important to the Northeast. Even during the heyday of the railroad industry the state's rail network was never that extensive featuring less...
One of the more beautiful, unusual and useful map projections ever devised was created by cartographerBernard Cahill. The butterfly projection was first published in theScottish Geographical Magazinein 1909. Cahill (1866-1944) later applied for a US patent to protect his creation. ...
1434. A Farewell To Steam - The Last Run Of The Atchison, Topeka And Santa Fe Railroads 1435. Schumann : Waldszenen, Fantasiestã¼cke (selection) / Shostaovich : Preludes And Fugues (selection) 1436. Ma Si Leave Xiao Ti Qin Jing Pin Ji (ma Siconb - The Best Violin Music Collectio...
By 1860 the B&L and N&L began to merger operations and after 1880 the latter became a full subsidiary of the former. Following the creation of the Nashua & Lowell, New Hampshire would find a handful of New England's best remembered railroads operating lines across its borders....
Railroads brought in sugar beets, wheat, cattle, and hogs, and Denver became a food processing centre. This industry was supported by waves of immigrants, including German brewers. Military activities—defense contractors and other facilities related to the Cold War—contributed to an economic boom ...