RunningTrackRunningTrackSouthCar ParkPritchatts RoadCar ParkPritchatts RoadCar ParkPWestGateUniversityStationNorthGateEastGateGrangeRoadGateMAIN ENTRANCE MAIN ENTRANCEQUEEN ELIZABETHHOSPITALPedestrian access only Pedestrian access onlySouthGateTo Selly Oak CampusTo city centreHOSPITAL DRIVEBRAILSFORD DRIVETo Jarratt ...
Edgbaston Campus Map - University of Birmingham:伯明翰大学Edgbaston校区地图 热度: MIT Campus Map - Massachusetts Institute of … 热度: PARKINGFOREVENTS RATESANDDIRECTIONS Unlessotherwiseannounced,parkingoncampusisgener- allynotavailableorevents. IyoudecidetoparkonthestreetinHoboken,payvery ...
7 软件介绍 The UoB Campus map has been designed to help students, staff and visitors find their way around the University of Birmingham Edgbaston & Selly Oak Campus. Building to bu...展开 更新内容 Inclusion of travel disruption information, further refinements and bug fixes. ...
S SCHOOL P SportsPitches H NorthCarPark P Running Track South CarPark PritchattsRoad CarPark P West Gate University Station North Gate East Gate Grange Road Gate MAINENTRANCE QUEENELIZABETH HOSPITAL Pedestrianaccessonly South Gate ToSellyOakCampus To city centre H O SPITAL D RIVE B R A ILS FO...
The UoB Campus map has been designed to help students, staff and visitors find their way around the University of Birmingham Edgbaston & Selly Oak Campus. Buil…
(-1 upvotes) Stinks of weed (-1 upvotes) It ll be nice (-1 upvotes) mostly drugs, some muggings (-1 upvotes) there are no tourists in Birmingham (-1 upvotes) speeding (-1 upvotes) congestion (-1 upvotes) wish their campus was like BCU (-1 upvotes) Crackheads (-1 upvotes) Worse...
University of Birmingham Vale VillageUniversity Jeju National University Ara CampusUniversity T2University building Mellor LaboratoriesUniversity building Deutsch Español Français Português About Mapcarta. A heartfelt thank you toMapboxfor providing outstanding maps. Data ©OpenStreetMapcontributors and ava...
(5 upvotes) sleeping at the campus green after drink (5 upvotes) People Exercising (5 upvotes) skY university (4 upvotes) One of 8 old city gates (4 upvotes) US troops having a good time (4 upvotes) International food everywhere (4 upvotes) Taxi Hell (4 upvotes) Homo Hill (4 upvotes...