A 1989 political map of the USSR, outlining the different Republics within the Union. By far, the largest of these SSRs – both in territory and population – was the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. This corresponded to the modern territory of Russia today and was home to 150 mi...
The "Geodynamic or tectonic plate map of the USSR territory" on a scale of 1:2 500 000 has been compiled at the USSR Ministry of Geology. The experience of such map compilations is almost absent both in the USSR and abroad. Up to the present time, the following works are known: (1)...
Sochava(1954): Geobotanical Map of the USSR. A scale of 1:4000000. Komarov Botanical Institute, Soviet Acade- my of Science, Leningrad(. in Russian)Lavrenko, E.M. & Sochava, V.B. 1954. Geobotanical map of the U.S.S.R. Komarov Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the U....
The kinetics of the slow combustion of the three xylene isomers have been studied manometrically in a quartz vessel, under static conditions at subatmospheric pressures over the temperature range from 410 to 550 degrees, employing 1:1 to 1:20 hydrocarbon: oxygen mixtures. It was shown that W-...
Scripts and Politics in the USSR No country in the world has changed its language policy – including the choice of alphabet – as frequently as the Soviet Union did. There were three main periods of alphabet change: the 1920s; the second part of the 1930s; and the last... V. Alpatov...
Paleolithic of the USSR Parabita Venus - two venuses from Parabita, Italy Paranthropus boisei - Nutcracker man Pareidolia Partizanska Jama, Partisan Cave in Slovenia Pasiega Cave Pech-de-l'Aze Pech Merle Pestera Coliboaia - Coliboaia Cave Rock Art Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology Peyrug...
Generalized, laminated physical map of the USSR. In Russian. $14.95 65-31515 1 sheet, rolledSoviet Union Topographic Quadrangle Maps (TPC charts). 1:500,000. DMA. The DMA TPC charts are not as detailed, nor as accurate as the Soviet maps, but they offer 90% coverage, are in English,...
At the time of this map's creation, the United States had imposed a diplomatic and commercial embargo on communist Cuba as Cold War tension between the United States and the USSR grew. The signs of this tension are evident in the distant early warni
TheRussian Revolution of 1917established the world's first socialist state under Vladimir Lenin's leadership. The Soviet Union emerged as a global superpower, competing with the United States during the Cold War. The USSR achieved significant technological advances, including the first human spaceflight...
History of Europe since 1945: the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences - the Cold War - NATO - the Warsaw Pact - construction of Europe - reunification of Germany - collapse of the USSR Europe's colonial expansion, 1820-1939 (19 animated maps) ...