North Carolina ratified the United States Constitution in 1789. It seceded in May 1861 and was readmitted to the Union in 1868. The state has long been a center of tobacco growing and processing. Raleigh is the capital and Charlotte the largest city. North Car·o·lin′i·an (-lĭn′ē...
North Carolina Interstates: North-South interstates include: Interstate 77, Interstate 85 and Interstate 95. East-West interstates include: Interstate 26 and Interstate 40. North Carolina Routes: US Highways and State Routes include: Route 1, Route 13, Route 15, Route 17, Route 19, Route 19E...
Sample detail of the North Carolina Road Map $4.95 62-85905 1 sheet, folded North Carolina Road Map. Rand McNally. Detailed maps include: Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, Wilmington, Winston-Salem/Greensboro/High Point...
Map of the state of North Carolina with portions of adjoining statesG.W. &C.B. Colton &
• Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel MapNational Geographic's North Carolina Guide Map is designed to meet the needs of travelers with detailed and accurate cartography and loads of helpful information about the state's many attractions.
A statewide map of North Carolina showing the major lakes, streams and rivers. Drought, precipitation, and stream gage information.
North Carolina is a quintessentially Southern state in the United States of America offering visitors endless variety with three distinct regions.
US Mapper is Online USA map 2025, with cities map, distances and directions calculator. Detailed map of the united states and Texas, LA, Florida, New-York, and other 50 states.
Cities in North Carolina, such as Charlotte, Raleigh, and Asheville, offer a blend of urban sophistication and southern charm. Charlotte, the largest city, is a major financial hub with a vibrant cultural scene and numerous sports teams. Raleigh, the state capital, is part of the Research ...
North Carolina Rivers Map:This map shows the major streams and rivers of North Carolina and some of the larger lakes. Eastern North Carolina is in the Atlantic Ocean Watershed and streams there flow to the east and into Pamlico Sound, Albemarle Sound, or lagoons behind barrier islands. The ...