The Jebusites were of Amorite stock intermingled with Hittite blood. Their stronghold was located on the southern portion of the eastern ridge, lined by the Hinnom valley in the south and the kidron valley to the east. Ancient Jebus was located on the southern ridge just south of the Mount...
耶路撒冷 之 汲淪谷,汲淪谷(Kidron Valley)是沿著耶路撒冷 ... 汲淪谷 耶路撒冷 之 馬哈耐·耶胡達市場,馬哈耐·耶胡達市場是個大型露天市場,出售著剛採摘下 ... 馬哈耐·耶胡達市場 耶路撒冷 之 升天教堂,升天教堂(Church of the Ascens ... 升天教堂 耶路撒冷 之 聖母安眠堂,1898年德國凱撒威廉二世(...
耶路撒冷 之 汲沦谷,汲沦谷(Kidron Valley)是沿着耶路撒冷 ... 汲沦谷 耶路撒冷 之 马哈耐·耶胡达市场,马哈耐·耶胡达市场是个大型露天市场,出售着刚采摘下 ... 马哈耐·耶胡达市场 耶路撒冷 之 升天教堂,升天教堂(Church of the Ascens ... 升天教堂 耶路撒冷 之 圣母安眠堂,1898年德国凯撒威廉二世(...
Kidron Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kilbourne Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Killbuck Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kimbolton Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kings Mills Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kingston Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kingsville Zone 6a: -10°F to -5°F Kinsman Zone...
Gethsemane is a garden across the Kidron Valley on the Mount of Olives, a ridge paralleling the eastern part of Jerusalem, where Jesus is said to have prayed on the night of his arrest before the Crucifixion. The name suggests that the garden was a grove
Mount of Olives is a multi-summit limestone ridge east of the Old City of Jerusalem and separated from it by the Kidron Valley. It is holy to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for messianic and eschatological reasons. It is also the site of a large ancien
18 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it. 2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his dis...
Kidron Valley Collapse PLUS Do your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start 14-day free trialLearn More Libnah Megiddo Moab ...
Dunbar Hollow is a valley in Albany, New York and has an elevation of 239 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Other Places Named KidronKidronVillage in Israel KidronVillage in Israel Kidron ValleyValley in West Bank, Palestine Wādī an NārWadi in West Bank, PalestineLocales in the AreaKidron StationHamlet, 4 km northeast Mount Eaton MaysvilleHamlet, 6 km southwest Kramore JunctionLocality, 6 km northwest...