Gateway Cities Photo: Wikimedia, Public domain. The largely suburban and industrial Gateway Cities of Los Angeles County in Southern California make up the southeastern portion of the county, lying between the City of Los Angeles proper and the border of the county with Orange County. Long Beach...
This beautiful Sicilian city houses ancient Greek ruins which are interspersed among verdant, sprawling orchards. Lively, cafe-lined piazzas and small alleys dot the center of town. Once the largest city in the world, Syracuse’s heyday has long gone, although the fantastic Parco Archeologico doc...
Agrigento is one of the leaders in terms of the number of unique landmarks among other Sicilian cities. Tourists can see inimitable antique attractions and medieval buildings here. Of course, local museums deserve a visit too. Valle dei Templi or Valley of the Temples is a worldwide famous ...
The Southern Central Region of China is largely an agricultural area, but it has some quite large cities and considerable industry as well. Wuhan Hubei Hunan JiangxiNortheast China Photo: Inkey, CC BY-SA 3.0. Northeast China was historically known as Manchuria. Liaoning Jilin Heilongjiang DalianPho...
Quezon City is the largest city in the Philippines and is one of the constituent cities of Metro Manila. Cubao Triangle and Scout Areas Quezon Memorial Circle Diliman and KatipunanLuzon Photo: Inkey, CC BY 2.0. Luzon is the largest and the most populous island of the Philippines. Manila Metr...
The ruins of this still stand atop the imposing rock that looks over the city. Other Norman heritage in the city of Cefalu can be found in its Sicilian Romanesque-style cathedral, which is certainly a sight to behold. Elsewhere, beaches lie to the west of The Rock. The main concentration...
Sichuan, is a province in Southwest China. It is China's fourth most populous province; at 81 million it has about the population of Germany. Historically, Sichuan has been mainly an agricultural region, though with a few important cities....
The centerpiece of the Bay Area, San Francisco is one of the most visited cities in the world, and with good reason. Golden Gate Chinatown-North Beach Civic Center-Tenderloin Fisherman's WharfLos Angeles Photo: Mfield, CC BY-SA 3.0. Frank Lloyd Wright is said to have quipped, "Tip the...
The Central Business District is the part of New Orleans similar to what many cities call "Downtown".Tremé Photo: Bart Everson, CC BY 2.0. Tremé is an old historically African-American and Créole neighborhood of New Orleans, just "back" from the French Quarter.Mid...
Taipei is the national capital of Taiwan and one of the world's major global cities. Sitting in the northern part of the island in a basin between the Yangming Mountains and the Central Mountains, Taipei serves as the island's financial, cultural, and governmental center....