Bahia Pernambuco Ceará MaranhãoSouth Photo: Halleypo, CC BY-SA 3.0. The South is the southernmost region of Brazil. Its attractions range from the historic Jesuit ruins of Missões to the excellent beaches of Santa Catarina and the unmissable Iguaçu Falls. Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina...
Port Authority : Companhia das Docas do Estado da Bahia (CODEBA) Address : Av da Franca, 1551 State : Bahia Zipcode : 40010-000 Town : Salvador Country : Brazil - BR Phone : +55 71 320 1100 Fax : +55 71 320 1375 Telex : 071 1110 Country time zone : -3/5 Port time zone : ...
MAPA RADAROWA: Salvador, Bahia, BrazyliaNasze pliki cookie. Twój wybór. The Weather Channel wykorzystuje dane, pliki cookie i inne podobne technologie w tej przeglądarce, aby zoptymalizować naszą witrynę internetową i zapewnić Ci funkcje pogodowe w oparciu o ogólną ...
Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande, Rondonopolis, Salgueiro, Salvador (Bahia), Santa Cruz, Santa Fe do Sul, Santa Maria, Santarem, Santos, Sao Francisco do Sul, Sao Jose do Ribamar, Sao Luis, Sao Paulo, Teresina, Uberlandia, Vila Velha (Espirito Santo), Vitoria, and Vitoria da ...
<a href="" title="google satellite map of Pedro"><img src="" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="Pedro google map"/></a> map search <!-- search-box 1.0 begin...
Bahia Solano Pacific Freights Barbados Plage des Surfeurs Martinique West End Anegada West End Anegada Rating 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 Wave Height (m) & direction (?) 0.5SW 0.9E 1.0NE 0.9SW 1.1NE 0.9SW 1.3ENE 1.3ENE 1.9NE 1.2NE 1.1NE 1.3E 1.1NE...
El Salvador (SV) (SV.AH) Ahuachapán (SV.CA) Cabañas (SV.CU) Cuscatlán (SV.LI) La Libertad (SV.PA) La Paz (SV.SO) Sonsonate (SV.SS) San Salvador (SV.UN) La Unión (SV.MO) Morazán (SV.SM) San Miguel (SV.SV) San Vicente (SV.US) Usulután (SV.CH) Chalatenango (SV.SA...
Guatemala Map of Cities, Roads, and RiversGuatemala is located in Central America. Guatemala is bordered by the Gulf of Honduras (Caribbean Sea) and the Pacific Ocean, Mexico to the north and west, and Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador to the east....
<a href="" title="google satellite map of Lombardia"><img src="" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="Lombardia google map"/></a> map search <!-- search-box 1.0 be...
20. Salvador, Brazil Salvador da Bahia, also known as just Salvador, has several things going for it. The Portuguese founded it in 1548, so it’s one of the oldest colonial cities in the Americas. You’ll see its rich past in Pelourinho, the historic center named for the whipping post...