Latvia is an area belonging the continent of Europe. It is a Republic with approx. 2,000,000 m inhabitants. The population density is about 50 persons per square mile and the officialLanguages areLatvian and Russian. Latvia spreads over an area of about 40,110 square miles with Riga as ca...
This map was printed in Moscow in the year 1973, the edition had 615 000 copies. The paper size is 72*90 cm. On the front side is written “Riga. Tourist scheme”. On the photo, you can see a monument to Latvian red riflemen, and behind it — the Museum of Latvian red riflemen...
Latvia Locations: Baltic Sea, Burtnieku Ezers, Daugava River, Engures Ezers, Gulf of Riga, Irbe Strait, Liepajas Ezers, Lubanas Ezers, Reznus Ezers, Rusonu Ezers, Sivera Ezers and Usmas Ezers. Latvia Natural Resources: Lativia has a variety of natural resources, some of which are...
Before the administrative reform Latvia was divided in 7 cities of republican importance and 26 districts, but districts were divided in more than 500 municipalities. Over the last decade the number of municipalities slowly decreased as they joined in regions. It is expected that this division of ...
Riga. Latvia is a former member of the USSR but unless told you will hardly notice that fact. It has an estimated population of over 2,353,854 as of July 1999. The main languages spoken in Latvia are Lettish, Ukrainian and Russian. Only a few people speak English as their second ...
Maps of India, approved by govt survey of India, Map of India shows the state boundaries, capital and major places. Oceans, sea and other water bodies listed on the map of India. international boundaries and neighbouring countries, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, China, Srilanka, Bangladesh and afgh...
Baltic states Latvia Riga region RigaRumbulaRumbula is a neighbourhood of Riga located in the Latgale Suburb, on the right bank of the Daugava river. With a population of about 368 inhabitants in 2010, Rumbula's territory covers 6.978 km2....
Riga Film Museum is a museum in Riga, Riga region which is located on Peitavas iela. Mapcarta, the open map.
Daugavpils is the second largest city in Latvia, after Riga. Daugavpils has about 101,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.
Popular Destinations in Latvia Discover Riga, Latgale, Daugavpils and Jūrmala. Riga Latgale Daugavpils JūrmalaOne's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things. - Henry Miller Explore These Curated Destinations...