During the railroad industry's golden years of the 1920s, however, the state boasted an infrastructure of over 8,100 miles. As such, Missouri has witnessed its rails decline by roughly 50%, a number all too common among most other states. In any event, for a more in-depth look at ...
Map showing the Pacific Railroad of Missouri.Shows river valleys, indicates cities and towns, county boundaries, and the railroad network by distinguishing colors.doi:http://www.loc.gov/item/2006626880/g.w. & c.b. colton & co
The reverse side has text on the history of the unfinished railroad, the principal tactical feature of the Second Manassas battle. A detailed sketch map of the unfinished railroad is reproduced, inset with modern photographs of the existing remnants of the unfinished railroad including the massive ...
The North not only held a commanding advantage in total mileage but also boasted a mighty industrial machine across New England. There were many reasons for the South's failure to achieve victory. One of the most noteworthy was its inability to properly utilize the railroad. ...
If you are like me, you enjoy a ride on Amtrak. If you have ever used your GPS on Amtrak, you know railroad tracks only show to the 800 ft zoom. So I have 2 things I made from some shapefiles (forget where I found them) to make your trip more fun....
Welcome to Martin’s Motel. Warm clean rooms with new beds. No railroad tracks. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your visit here! I have uploaded a few of my pictures. The photo above is actually a copy of the post card available to guests of Martin’s Motel in Ash Fork AZ. More ...
Known as Big Sky Country, Montana is an amazing destination for all those who appreciate the beauty of the great outdoors. Primarily rural, Montana is home to national parks, miles of open country, an abundance of wildlife and spectacular scenery. How
of theComstock Lode(one of the world’s richest deposits), brought down fromVirginiaCity by theVirginia and Truckee Railroad, which maintained extensive shops at Carson City. Along with the Comstock, the railroad declined and was abandoned in 1950. To coin the immense silver output of the ...
In its early years Wichita was a stopover on cattle drives toAbilene(Kansas) and other points as the railroad moved west; in 1872 the line reached Wichita, and the city became a major cattle-shipping centre. By 1875 farmers’ fences were obstructing the movement of beef herds, but grain ...
Buda is situated 9 km northwest of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Historical Marker.Lowell Hamlet Photo: Paltron, CC BY-SA 4.0. Lowell is an unincorporated community in Kearney County, Nebraska, United States. Lowell is situated 9 km east of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad ...