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L. Auditory receptive fields in primate superior colliculus shift with changes in eye position. Nature 309, 345–347 (1984). Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Fukson, O. I., Berkinblit, M. B. & Feldman, A. G. The spinal frog takes into account the scheme of its body during ...
shield of judgment shield of the dwarven shield x-ray tube shield-grid thyratron shield-tail snake shieldcoolingsystem shielded circular din shielded tube shielded twisted pair shielding glass shielding parameter shift ctrl e shift and rotate shift differential shift for yourself shift knob shift leader...
North America Datum Conversion Utility (NADCON) .los/.las Datum Grid Shift (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MAP OziExplorer .MAP (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MFF Vexcel Multi-File Format (MFF) (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MFF2 Vexcel M...
Due to continental drift, tectonic plates continue to shift today. Eventually, geological forces driving the movement of tectonic plates will result in the formation of another supercontinent millions of years from now. What is Pangaea? Pangaea is a supercontinent proposed to have existed 280-230 mi...
North America Datum Conversion Utility (NADCON) .los/.las Datum Grid Shift (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MAP OziExplorer .MAP (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MFF Vexcel Multi-File Format (MFF) (Default 3rd Party Format) Reader GDAL_MFF2 Vexcel ...
although the usual rules for drawing a projection place the lines of latitude and longitude on it in a given way, one can shift the world under the projection's graticule, and treat the original graticule of the world like the coastlines and borders on the globe, as simply things to be ...
Separation of mono- and di- saccharides mono and disaccharides Negative peak Column life HFIP-606M peak shift Maximum sample load SPE sample pretreatment SC1011 issue column expiration date Applications Effects of Sample Preparation Solution on Sugar Separation (NH2P-50 4E) Effects of Sample Injection...
L_AddBitmapNoise, L_EmbossBitmap, L_MosaicBitmap, L_MotionBlurBitmap, L_OilifyBitmap, L_PosterizeBitmap, L_RemoveRedeyeBitmap, L_SolarizeBitmap, L_UnderlayBitmap, L_BendingBitmap, L_CylindricalBitmap, L_FreeHandShearBitmap, L_ImpressionistBitmap, L_PixelateBitmap, L_PolarBitmap, L_...
In the context of this work, therefore, it may be argued that with elevations in testosterone participants were less conservative (i.e., less averse to change) and more willing to let go of biases to shift their opinion from status quo; believing a change in social policy that had ...