Placement styling controls placement of symbols, how symbols rotate on a map, and collision behavior for text and icon symbols among each other. flame Heatmap layer A heatmap is a data visualization in which a range of colors represent the density of points in a particular area. Adding ...
Placement styling controls placement of symbols, how symbols rotate on a map, and collision behavior for text and icon symbols among each other. flame Heatmap layer A heatmap is a data visualization in which a range of colors represent the density of points in a particular area. Adding ...
The new pixel size of the image will be the original pixel size multiplied by icon-size. 1 is the original size; 3 triples the size of the image. SDK Support Mapbox GL JS Android SDK iOS SDK basic functionality >= 0.10.0 >= 2.0.1 >= 2.0.0 data-driven styling >= 0.35.0 >= ...
Labelrank & placement The labelrank field is intended to help assign different label styles based on the size and available room to label different water bodies. The possible values are whole numbers 1 through 6. The value of the placement field will be either point or line depending on th...
Placement of the label. Values: point : Places a label at its geometry. line : Places a label along the line of the geometry. line-center : Places a label at the center of the line of the geometry. symbol-spacing *number (pixels)* no 250 Distance between symbol anchors. symbol-placem...
Camera placement Create a camera in the scene. Be sure to link the perspective view to the camera object. The camera should be set up for "Parallel" projection. This eliminates all trace of perspective parallax error in the rendering of your texture. Place your texture geometry dead in the ...
Camera placement Create a camera in the scene. Be sure to link the perspective view to the camera object. The camera should be set up for "Parallel" projection. This eliminates all trace of perspective parallax error in the rendering of your texture. Place your texture geometry dead in the ...
Use the localIdeographFontFamily setting to speed up map load times by using locally available fonts instead of font data fetched from the server. Variable label placement Example Use text-variable-anchor to allow high priority labels to shift position to stay on the map. View a fullscreen ma...
Basics (Part 2) – Map Editor Overview & Tile Placement In this 001 Game Creator video tutorial series, we’ll be going over the basics of using the engine; from detailing what each of the main editors do, to learning how to create your very first game with NPCs and quests! In this ...
This is useful for example for visualising an amount between two points in time or in a certain sector of a polar chart. Since Highcharts 3.0.2, the point placement can also be numeric, where 0 is on the axis value, -0.5 is between this value and the previous, and 0.5 is between ...