of Continents Countries, Regions, Cities Satellite Wall Maps Custom Satellite Imagery Maps Custom Wall Maps Custom Wall Maps Custom Area Maps Custom Size Wall Maps Custom Spring Roller Maps Metal Map Wall Art Sculptures Classroom Maps Classroom Maps Spring Roller Pull-Down Maps Spring Roller Pull-...
of Continents Countries, Regions, Cities Satellite Wall Maps Custom Satellite Imagery Maps Custom Wall Maps Custom Wall Maps Custom Area Maps Custom Size Wall Maps Custom Spring Roller Maps Metal Map Wall Art Sculptures Classroom Maps Classroom Maps Spring Roller Pull-Down Maps Spring Roller Pull-...
17 artists collaborated on 100 original pieces of pixel art and called them Blitmaps. The community mixed the originals to craft 1,600 siblings— unique pieces that combine the composition of one original with the palette of another. Check out original art collection ...
strokes and Graphic Styles to art at either the Object level or the Layer level. This is extremely useful because you can effectively use Layers to set up symbology templates so that any art that is drawn on a Layer inherits its appearance from that Layer. Confusion often arises...
One important consideration is that it is not possible to use the Appearance panel to adjust several pieces of art with different fills or strokes that are applied at the object level. For example, suppose we have changed the colours of several building outlines, and now want to change them ...
You can place one code at the end of a level or multiple codes in a level to create alternate exits like in Super Mario World. You can even put pieces of the Exit code in various parts of the level so that the player needs to find all of them to unlock the next level. ...
geojson-vt-cpp - Port to C++ of JS GeoJSON-VT for slicing GeoJSON into vector tiles on the fly. GEOS - GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). gSLICr - Real-time super-pixel segmentation. Halide - Halide is a programming language design...
Mystery Pixel Art Integer-Multiplication/Division Activity Created by Teachers 4 the win Have kids guess who that Pokemon is. You can do it as a group/class or you can have kids work on them independently for enrichment, scaffolding, or for independent work. This activity can be used as a...
"Find the Pieces" "Dragonhearted" Mapart progress: Fallen kingdom - FINISHED Take Back the Night - Progress started Find the Pieces - Not started Dragonhearted - Not started Guardian Farm The Fallen Kingdom mapart also serves as a public guardian farm! You may get to it by going to these...
First, let’s talk about the map quality itself. I am blown away by how high of a resolution this print it. As you run your fingers through the map, it’s completely smooth and even when you put your nose right up to it, you don’t see any ink dot-type pixellation. ...