(also available in aDeluxe Edition),Lost Omens World Guide,The Fall of Plaguestone,Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Fall of Plaguestone,Pathfinder Adventure Path 145: Hellknight Hill,Pathfinder Adventure Path 146: Cult of Cinders, a whopping five new Pathfinder Society Scenarios, two GM Screens (land...
Interview,Map,maps,Pathfinder,Pathfinder 2E,Pathfinder Playtest,Stephen Radney-MacFarlandKnow Direction AudioLeave a Comment Know Direction Network The Know Direction Network is your premier source for Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Essence20 coverage, from podcasts to blogs and more!
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement. There are 7 Striking Locales in Rivenspire, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion. Shadowfate Cavern Old Fell's Fort Lagra's Pe...
Pathfinder 2e Character Sheet Battle Maps Campaign Notes Currency Convert Dice Roller DM Screen Grid Map Make Session Generators Character Portfolio No DM Town Generator Solo Dungeon Generator Saved Generator Backstory Boss Fight Calendar Campaign City Street Dungeons Encounter Ideas Hamlet Map Hexcrawl...
Projects in various stages of development Shayakand/Tanah-Con-Rahn Shayakandwas a project that I was developing for NeverMet Press. It is a high fantasy world inspired by Southeast Asia. The game system for this project was originally Savage Worlds and Pathfinder, but is now Swords & Wizard...