Today’s map, byMassimo Pietrobon, is a look back to when all land on the planet was arranged into a supercontinent called Pangea. Pietrobon’s map is unique in that it overlays the approximate borders of present day countries to help us understand how Pangea broke apart to form the world...
eventually yielding the continents we inhabit today. Pangea was, of course, a peopleless place. But if you were to drop today’s nations on
(also calledPaleo-Tethys Sea), a giant triangular eastward-opening embayment of Pangea. A strip of continental material was torn away from the southern margin of the Paleo-Tethys andmigratednorthward, rotating around the western apex of the Tethyan triangle much like the action of a windshield ...
and they each have a history that lasted hundreds of millions of years. Formation of the belts gave rise to thesupercontinentofPangea; its fragmentation, beginning about 200 million years ago, gave rise to a new ocean, theTethys Sea. Closure of that ocean about 50 million years ago, bysubdu...
Satellite maps - Africa map marks all the countries, capitals, major cities and bordering countries in the continent. Here you can find map of africa. Know more about africa, a detailed map of africa is given which shows its plains, desert, mountains and
Can you place the states of the U.S. in their right place on the map? What about the countries of Europe? Try these beautiful quizzes with custom interactive maps.
This category include all geography learning games, which include world map to play on it. World maps, continent maps and country maps. Free online games to learn geography. Fun educational geography games suitable for online classes and interactive lessons. Minute to win it games to play on wo...
Inkarnateis well-known among fans of fantasy map generators for its intuitive user interface, fast generating, and the numerous assets it has to offer. You can create large cities with sprawling angular roads or landscapes with winding hills, or, if none of that interests you, why not try ...
Here’s the autogenerated map I was given to start with. You can toggle the land masses (Earthlike, Pangea or many continents), the rainfall and the general temperature of the world. You can also manually tweak the biomes with a brush. I like the landmass creation much more than Azgaar...
We call this our Wide Angle Map as we feel it gives a really special bird’s eye view of the globe – the countries nestling together remind us of the prehistoric land mass Pangea! We printed this little known projection to celebrate our fifth anniversary and it is now a popular part of...