The Israel-Palestine conflict has its roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when mass Jewish immigration to Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, began. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 ignited numerous wars and skirmishes over territorial claims. Key Events Leadi...
British mandate of Palestine, 1917–47 Zionism, Jewishnationalist movementwith the goal of the creation and support of a Jewish national state inPalestine, the ancient homeland of theJews(Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and centralEuropein...
of boundaries. He then lived in splendid retirement with 3 wives, 42concubines, 200 children, 300 servants, and aging retainers, including a private army. He provided pensions for some 10,000 princelings and serfs of his former empire and aided Muslim refugees from Palestine. He was created ...
◆ 626 CANAAN (M. Land of Canaan), later known as Palestine and Israel 1. General References to, ... CANAAN - 627 ◆ 627 CANAAN (M. Promised Land) 2. Promised to Abraham, Ge 12:7; 13:15; 15:7; 15:18; 17:8; 26:3; .....
◆ 626 CANAAN (M. Land of Canaan), later known as Palestine and Israel 1. General References to, ... CANAAN - 627 ◆ 627 CANAAN (M. Promised Land) 2. Promised to Abraham, Ge 12:7; 13:15; 15:7; 15:18; 17:8; 26:3; ....
Gaza, city and principal urban centre of the Gaza Strip, southwestern Palestine. Formerly the administrative headquarters for the Israeli military forces that occupied the Gaza Strip, the city came under Palestinian control in 2005. Records exist indicat
United Nations Resolution 181 is a resolution passed by the United Nations in 1947 calling for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states.
In the early 20th century the city, along with all of historic Palestine, became the focus of the competing national aspirations of Zionists and Palestinian Arabs. This struggle often erupted in violence. The United Nations (UN) attempted to declare the city a corpus separatum (Latin: “...
between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, who claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Area 49 square miles (126 square km). Pop. (2022 est.) 981,711. (For more information on the conflict between Israel and the Arabs,seeIsrael;Palestine;West Bank;Arab-Israeli ...