Edney and Mary Spondberg Pedley and featuring the work of more than 200 contributors, this book “offers a comprehensive overview of the cartographic practices of Europeans, Russians, and the Ottomans, both at home and in overseas territories, from 1650 to 1800.” I say “nominally” because,...
The Ottomans saw Palestine as part of Syria. Only Zionism saw Palestine (aka The Land of Israel) as an independent geographical unit.Early Zionist towns and villages sprung all over the land of Israel in the 1880’s and into the early 1900’s, long before the British Mandate. Jews never ...
It was these strong defenses that protected the city and stopped the Ottomans from taking over Europe in the Siege of Vienna in 1529. After some further attacks in the mid-1600s, this western section of the city wall was bumped outward to create a buffer zone for the nearby Hofburg Castle...
with the arrival of an earlier wave of conquerors, the LateAvars, whom László classified as the Early Magyars. In either case, in antiquity parts of Hungary’s territory had formed the ancient Roman provinces ofPannoniaandDacia. When Rome lost control of Pannonia at the end of the 4th ce...