Marche is a central region of Italy on the east coast composed of rolling hills and fertile plains at the base of the Apennine mountains. It is bordered by Adriatic Sea in the east, Umbria, Tuscany and Lazio in the west, Emilia-Romagna and San Marino to the north, Abruzzo to the south...
The Abruzzo region is one of the less-visited regions of Italy. Dominated by national and regional parks, Abruzzo is a wild and extremely scenic country, with many unspoiled and picturesque medieval villages and interesting festivals with ancient roots. 01of 04 Cities of Abruzzo, Italy Marco Equ...
Caves of the Cantabria region, northern Spain Cedar Bentwood Chests of the First Nations of the Pacific North West Central European Sites Chandler River - Bushwalking and Hiking Chandler River - Lower reaches, bushwalking and hiking Chapelle-aux-Saints - the Neanderthal / Neandertal skeleton Chauvet...
(GB.IS) Isles of Scilly Continent Europe Sub Region Northern Europe Regions South Western North Eastern Highlands and Islands Eastern North East South East South West East East Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber Greater London Northern Ireland East Wales North West West Wales and the Valleys West Mi...
The findings indicate that including the locations of livestock housing systems and the satellite-derived crop map has improved ammonia emission estimates in space and time, and the methodology can be relatively easily applied to a larger region such as EU-27. The next step to refine the ...
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Submission received: 28 June 2023/Revised: 19 July 2023/Accepted: 28 July 2023/Published: 29 July 2023 ...
与北京故宫齐名的法国凡尔赛宫及其园林,是全世界第一批被列入联合国世界文化遗产的历史古迹。它诞生于1623年,宫殿占地面积6万余平方米,拥有2300个房间。百余年来,这里曾是法兰西权力的绝对中心,也是法国宫廷文化的旗帜。 尽管这座古代宫殿声名在外,每天游客如织,但很多人并不知道,其实这里还驻扎着一支管弦乐团。乐团...