The Yemeni Civil War is a devastating conflict in Yemen that began in 2014 when the capital, Sanaa, already destabilized by the Arab Spring uprising that began in 2011, was overtaken by Houthi rebel forces.
2 of 2 Disruption in global shipping from Houthi attacksCommercial ships avoiding Houthi attacks on the Red Sea require nine additional days and thousands of additional miles to their route.(more) When Houthi rebels—a Zaydī Shiʿi movement in Yemen militantly opposed to Saudi influence and U...
The instability in Yemen has heightened tensions in the region and raised concerns about the security of the strait. Iran has sought to expand its influence in the Bab-el-Mandeb region by supporting Houthi rebels in Yemen. Tehran sees the strait as a crucial chokepoint through which a ...
Part of the money that was planned to be invested in infrastructure have been directed to the education. Teachers are paid to make positive propaganda to the government. Things like prevention of AIDS are taught in school, too. Medicine:The other part of the money that was planned to go to...
including the small Jewish quarter of the Old City. The Israelis, meanwhile, won control of the main road to Jerusalem through the Yehuda Mountains (“Hills of Judaea”) and successfully repulsed repeated Arab attacks. By early 1949 the Israelis had managed to occupy all of theNegevup to the...
In early 2022 militants from the PIJ and new, localized groups in theWest Bank, a territory northeast of the Gaza Strip that is also predominantly inhabited by Palestinians, conducted a string of attacks in Israel. The IDF responded with a series of raids in the West Bank, resulting in the...
A wave of attacks on Israelis in early 2022 led the IDF to conduct frequent raids in the West Bank, especially in the northern West Bank cities ofJenin,Nablus, andTulkarm, in an effort to root out militants. The confrontations between Palestinians and the IDF led to the deadliest year in...