Author: Flaarisse Special thanks to: Tsar, Herakliusz, Dustin, Gandalf, Saruman, Serious_Samurai Note: The LOTR models are not of my making! (Gandalf, Trol) Tagged Survival Fantasy / Arcade L4D2 Survivors Dusk / Dawn Expert Single Player ...
You can also look the two statue imported to LotR RotK game. Today I want to show the work of ThorinTheKing on the Trebuchet model for the walls of the City (this is just a preview the model is still in work):Comments (0 - 50 of 59) Lord_of_Gondor - Jan 29 2017 - 107 ...
The Corsairs see themselves as the descendants of the rightful rulers of Gondor, no love lost there. It does take place after LOTR, after he is made king he conquors/invades/retakes a lot of the historical lands of Gondor and Arnor, except for the Shire (which he gives to the hobbits...