Treasure Chest (AutoBuild) Treasure Chest (Sage's Will) Treasure Chest (Treasure Map) Locations Village Skyview Tower Shops Shrine of Light Lightroot Dungeon Great Fairy Stables Wells Caves Chasm Enemies Enemy Camp Bubbulfrog Wizzrobe Lynel Talus Hinox Molduga Gleeok Flux Construct Frox Boss Gloom...
Many Landmark locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, spanning its Surface, Sky, and Depths. A 100% map completion in Zelda: TotK is one monumental task, taking well over 100 hours to accomplish. This includes visiting every named location and collecting 1,000Korok Seeds, which is arduous...
Instead of the more puzzle-like bosses of past Zelda games, which typically capped off dungeons, many of the bosses in BOTW and TOTK are instead meant to be more naturally discovered in the open world. Moreover, the open-world nature of BOTW and TOTK means that, while bosses may still ...