Two new fires ignited Monday morning in Southern California, fire officials said. Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said at a press conference that the fires started within minutes of each other. The larger of the two fires, the "Peak Fire," started in Simi Valley south of Sta...
Most of the state is covered by grasses, which generally protect the soil from erosion and provide pasture.Perennialgrasses grow early in spring and are usually dormant by summer. Drought and fires haveinhibitedtree growth; in fact, less than 1 percent of North Dakota’s land is forested, ...
The second major range, Haiti’sMassif du Nord(“Northern Massif”), is a series of parallel chains known in the Dominican Republic as theCordillera Central. It has an average elevation of some 4,000 feet (1,200 meters). The Citadel (Citadelle Laferrière), a fortress built by Haitian ru...
Varied other occurrences include volcanoes, and earthquake activity around the Pacific Basin, tsunamis, and forest fires in the western portion of the country. In northern Alaska there is permafrost, which is a major impediment to development. ...
Unlike some of the other vanished craft in the Bermuda Triangle, though the ship was never found, debris was recovered, including pieces of a raft, a life vest, and a broken oar. The ship was in poor repair and had suffered reoccurring fires around its sulfur tanks. (Once it put out ...
Last October Robin Kraft postedan online map of the northern California wildfiresshowing satellite imagery from before and after the fires (seeprevious entry); today he’s posteda blog entry explaining how he built it, in great technical detail. The timing is not accidental: “There is another...
In response to the needs of local fire managers, we developed a map of wildfire hazard for La Plata County in southwestern Colorado, USA. Our measure of fire hazard had two components: (i) the probability, should fire occur under dry weather conditions,
in an area of NorthernCalifornia with many microclimates which was so helpful because we are usually a 10 degree difference here than in town. Even the weather station in town shows up “unavailable” these days. As do the weather stations near the coast, 2+ hours inland at my parents ...
It was pretty exciting to see it in person! There were several black spots on the top of the cave which was probably from the fires they had burning on the ground. It was pretty exciting to see this art work in person! This was the stunning watering hole at Kantju Gorge. The heart ...
Today, more than ever, we need leaders who are driven by a profound sense of purpose that goes beyond profit margins and have a vision for a regenerative future. The Travel & Tourism (T&T) sector, owing to its unique characteristics, plays a pivotal role in fostering connectivity and ...