No world civilization course is complete without extensive coverage of Europe. This free map quiz game is a great interactive learning tool that will add some context to lessons about Europe, and can also be a great way to increase student engagement. Ex
Geography Games Europe Ukraine: RegionsUkraine: Regions - Map Quiz GameCherkaska Oblast Chernihivska Oblast Chernivetska Oblast Crimea Dnipropetrovska Oblast Donetska Oblast Ivano-Frankivska Oblast Kharkivska Oblast Khersonska Oblast Khmelnytska Oblast Kirovohradska Oblast Kyiv Kyivska Oblast Luhanska ...
Efficiently gain some geography knowledge today, and learn the European countries with this Europe map game. Europe may not be as small as you once thought. Many European countries span across more than one continent. Some people believe these countries belong on the European map, while others ...
and more...Learn the European countries' capitals with this Europe Capitals map game. If you don't know the locations or the names of all the European countries, I suggest you play the Europe Map Game before the European Capitals Map Game....
Learn the locations of European countries, capitals, and flags with interactive learning: Use your Apple TV remote to navigate a high-resolution map of Europe!…
Are you ready to find European countries on Europe map with Europe Map Quiz - European Countries and Capitals? What about guessing the capitals of countries? Germany, France, Belgium, Netherland, Finland... All European countries are in this Europe Map Puzzle game.While finding European countries...
•Unlimited practices to memorize European country maps •Unlimited map quizzes •Facts and Trivia for all European countries •Effective and fun way to learn important facts of each country •Use your fingers to color your own map
A World of War is a Map Game created by The Thundar Mapper. Pick only 1 country. Make realistic turns, don't make turns about (e.g. Luxembourg conquers China and Russia in 1 turn). Be reasonable. If you are beaten, you are allowed to join back. Play fair
Hundreds of years ago Northern Europe was the land of the Vikings. Today, it offers one of the highest living standards in the world and more picturesque scenery than you can take in a lifetime. Play this free map quiz game to see if you can keep Finland
One thing that came out of the United Kingdom's decision to go through with Brexit is that you have one less county to find in this quiz! The UK recently left the European Union, a political and economic union of 27 member states. France, German, and Swe