Red Gap is southeast of Nanoose Bay on the east coast of southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Red Gap is situated 2½ km southeast of Nanoose Bay.Lantzville Town Lantzville is a coastal community on the east side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, along the western sho...
Journal of High Energy PhysicsD. Errington, T. Mohaupt, and O. Vaughan, Non-extremal black hole solutions from the c-map, JHEP 05 (2015) 052, [arXiv:1408.0923].D. Errington, T. Mohaupt, and O. Vaughan, Non-extremal black hole solutions from the c-map, JHEP 1505 (2015) 052, [...
Though we focus on static, spherically symmetric solutions of ungauged supergravity, the method is adaptable to other types of solutions and to gauged supergravity.D. Errington1.Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Liverpool Peach Street Liverpool L69 7ZL U.K.T. Mohaupt...