Direct-administered municipality of China RegionCity SeatAreaPopulationAbbreviation BeijingTongzhou6,487 sq mi (16,801 sq km)22,000,000jīng TianjinHexi4,541 sq mi (11,760 sq km)14,000,000jīn ShanghaiHuangpu2,448 sq mi (6,340 sq km)27,000,000hù ...
search_region_code('朝阳') 输出: 辽宁省朝阳市: 211300 北京市朝阳区: 110105 辽宁省朝阳市朝阳县: 211321 吉林省长春市朝阳区: 220104 查询某个或一组经纬度对应的点在本地图中的坐标 D=Draw_Map() val=D.trans_coord([114.313876,30.599835]) print(val) 输出 [583.6755468727599, 393.2750787295468...
See the wonderful Atlas Catalog Brief description of all provinces and provinces Municipality directly under the Central Government Autonomous Region special administrative region Province Southernmost location Spratly Islands, South China Sea range Easternmost ...
Inner Mongolia (Nei Menggu) Autonomous Region (内蒙古自治区) Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (宁夏回族自治区) Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region (西藏自治区) Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region(新疆维吾尔族自治区) Autonomous Prefectures are noted on the above map, but autonomous counties are not shown.(...
China Map: Explore Free Political Map of china, It is the world's most populous and 3rd or 4th largest country by area, located in the East Asia. Check It's states, cities, administrative divisions, history & geography.
Facts about China ContinentAsia RegionEast Asia BordersAfghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, India, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Vietnam CapitalBeijing Largest CityShanghai National LanguageChinese ...
The Brahmaputra River in the Tibet region of China The Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau as seen from space. Can you find Mount Everest in this image? Where the Altun mountains meet the Takla Makan Desert in Western China. This is an interesting visual contrast of two physical features ...
Jian, DuDirlikov, EmilioYu, PangYan, MaFengling, MiYuhong, LiuLiang, Li
Sample of the map detail.$14.99 64-40961-1 Southern China (#1). $14.99 64-40961-2 Central China (#2). $14.99 64-40961-3 Northeastern China (#3). $14.99 64-40961-4 Northwest China, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (#4). $14.99 64-40961-5 Tibet (#5).China...
ROC, Republic of China, is not recognized by the People's Republic of China as well as most countries in the world. Taiwan's official status remains controversial. RAE: Região Administrativa Especial (Special Administrative Region) SAR: Special Administrative Region ...