The farthest terminal points of the Asian mainland areCape Chelyuskinin north-centralSiberia, Russia (77°43′ N), to the north; the tip of theMalay Peninsula, Cape Piai, or Bulus (1°16′ N), to the south; Cape Baba inTurkey(26°4′ E) to the west; andCape Dezhnev (Dezhnyov)...
China Map Shop (officially published maps) China Geography China, (People's Republic of China), is situated in eastern Asia, bounded by the Pacific in the east. The third largest country in the world, next to Canada and Russia, it has an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, or one-...
Russia, country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the U.S.S.R., Russia became an independent country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. The capital of Russia i
Countries bordering the Pacific Ocean are Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore and South Korea. Atlantic Ocean: The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest one among the five oceans of the world. It has an area of 106,460,000 square kilometres approximately. It is believed...
Political Map of Asia – The continent with the fastest growing economy Asia Countries Political Map with National Borders Asian Countries China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Japan, South Kore, North Korea, Qatar, Oman, Turkmenistan...
Western Russia is marked as being part of Asia even though generally it is considered part of Europe. We did this because we felt there was room on the web for a simpler version of a world map, one that ignored some of the border ambiguities. ...
The map covers the Kamchatka Peninsula, a very interesting adventure travel destination, famous for its geothermal geysers and its isolation from the rest of Russia. The map includes an inset of include a map of the famous Valley of Geysers (south of Klyuchi) and an inset of the only major...
Republic of Singapore flag. Simple and slightly waving version. USA, Canada, Australia, Turkey, UAE, Germany, France, EU, Italy, Poland, Singapore, UK, Japan, Russia, Korea flag on transparent Realistic watercolor painting flag of Singapore . Vector ...
Changed China maps from inclusive to exclusive naming. Updated the map of Laos. Closes #13. Added previous map of Laos as historical (2012). Updated the map of Montenegro. Closes #82. Added previous map of Montenegro as historical (2013). Updated the map of Estonia. Closes #25. Added pr...
Belarus, country of eastern Europe. Until it became independent in 1991, Belarus, formerly known as Belorussia or White Russia, was the smallest of the three Slavic republics included in the Soviet Union (the larger two being Russia and Ukraine). Learn m