The image was taken Nov. 14 -- the red points are burning fires, according to NASA. California skies are shrouded in smoke as the#CampFirecontinues to rage. The fire has been fueled by dry conditions & Santa Ana winds. Our@NASAEarthsatellite captured this image on ...
In response to the needs of local fire managers, we developed a map of wildfire hazard for La Plata County in southwestern Colorado, USA. Our measure of fire hazard had two components: (i) the probability, should fire occur under dry weather conditions,
On Saturday, the president blamed the fires on "poor" forest management in the state,saying on Twitterthat there was "no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor." The causes for the state's biggest fir...
Regarding the core features of the evaluated emergency response manuals, six of them had an evacuation plan, and only two had an evacuation priority [1]. There is a twofold knowledge gap regarding this work: the decision tools for valuing heritage items are not written for non-professionals in...
On Saturday, Brown and the president toured damage from the Camp Fire that killed dozens of people, with nearly 1,300 more still unaccounted for. The governor also said economic impact of the fires will be "tens of billions" of dollars. ...
On Saturday, Brown and the president toured damage from the Camp Fire that killed dozens of people, with nearly 1,300 more still unaccounted for. The governor also said economic impact of the fires will be "tens of billions" of dollars. ...