Australia: integrates data from multiple public data sources. Portugal: uses data from the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere. If you know of other data sources please contact the Mapbox Community team. NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System Documentatio...
Continue reading “Australia’s Bushfires and Misleading Maps” → Link•Categories Weather and Climate•Tags Australia, map literacy, social media, wildfires New York Times Maps of the California Wildfires Published on 31 October 2019 by Jonathan Crowe The New York Times maps ongoing wildfires...
A superimposed wildfire map of Australia over the United States shows the scale of the massive wildfires that have spread Down Under.
Earlier in the year, in response to the national bushfires which devastated many parts of Australia in late 2019 - 2020, the Surveying & Spatial Science Institute (SSSI) called upon the surveying and spatial community to participate in the SSSI National Bushfire Recovery Map-a-thon to help ...
Maps have shown us how the events of this disastrous year have played out around the globe, from the Australian bushfires to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. But there are good reasons to question the maps we see. Some of these reasons have been explored recently through maps of the...
We used three state-of-the-art machine learning techniques (boosted regression tree, random forest, and support vector machine) to produce a multi-hazard (MHR) map illustrating areas susceptible to flooding, gully erosion, forest fires, and earthquakes i
Vulnerability to bushfire risk at melbourne's urban fringe: the failure of regulatory land use planning Geogr. Res., 49 (1) (2011), pp. 1-12 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [16] Raul Romero-Calcerrada, C.J. Novillo, J.D.A. Millington, I. Gomez-Jimenez GIS analysis of spatial ...
More community scale as mappers from 137 countries have used the tool and contributed more than 100,000 changesets to the map. Going forward, Facebook said it is hoping to enable OpenStreetMap to import more data sets from the likes of government agencies....
Between the devastating bushfires from the start of the year through to the ongoing pandemic, the bedrock of the Australian economy has been hit with wide-scale customer declines, supplier challenges, and the impact of lockdowns. And yet, despite all of this, there is confi...
Pidge's Poppies Blair Moon - How to Be Cooler Than the Moon In times of bushfires and billy buttons Follow the Rainbow This Spells Trouble Country Town Girls Change the Game: First Game Back Pippa and the Troublesome Twins The Secret History of the Rainbow Trout Private Hotel Our Mob Hedgeh...