Nicholas Howe, Writing the Map of Anglo-Saxon England: Essays in Cultural Geography. New Haven, Conn., and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. xiv, 278; 16 black-and-white figures. $45. Nicholas Howe, Writing the Map of Anglo-Saxon England: Essays in Cultural Geography. New Haven...
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A series of mutations of tuberculosis, present in the 1990s among elderly persons in the Province of Quebec (Canada), is interpreted as the outcome of a suite of three episodes of high mobility. The most recent is the rapid urbanization of the 1950s. In the 1840s exceptional mobility was ...
In 2011, we put together a map showing the London area in Anglo Saxon times (roughly speaking, 500-1066AD). It's pieced together from many resources, showing our guess at the roads, rivers, forests and marshland that characterised the region. The main purpose was to highlight the many v...
Far greater interest attaches to the so-called AngloSaxon Map of the World in the British Museum (Cotton MSS.), where it is bound up in a codex which also contains a copy of the Periegesis of Priscianus. Map and Periegesis are FIG. 8. - Anglo-Saxon Map of the World (9th century)...
Some of the oceans and Seas that border the continent are as follows. The Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean and Norwegian Sea are to the north. The North Sea and Baltic Sea’s are more or less in the middle of the map. The Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland and Celtic Sea’s are off to the...
discrepancies. There are a few Russian dialects that are actually outisde of Europe. An example is Tartar. While technically an Asian dialect we have come from a position that if a country (ie Russia) is in at least partly in Europe, then we list all of it’s internal dialects and ...
has three major subregions: (1) theFloridaParishes in the east, (2) southwestern Louisiana, which contains many Anglo-Saxon Protestants but also has an important French minority, and (3) a region in between, variously known as Cajun country, the river and bayou country, or the sugar bowl....
(120 km) from the sea, and even the farthest points in the country are no more than a day’s journey by road or rail from London. Formed of the union of smallCelticandAnglo-Saxonkingdoms during the earlymedievalperiod, England has longcomprisedseveral distinct regions, each different in...
We know very little of the first few hundred years of the Anglo-Saxon, or "English", era, primarily because the invaders were an illiterate people. Our earliest records of them are little more than highly inventive lists of rulers. We know that they established separate kingdoms, the Saxons...