Country Amazon Maps Brazil map & Brazil map more information Colombia map & Colombia map more information Ecuador map & Ecuador map more information Peru map & Peru map more information Rainforests of the World Maps Latin America rainforest map & Latin America rainforest map more information Africa...
If you lived long enough to count that high, you could count 390 billion trees in the Amazon rainforest. This statistic is mind-boggling, to be sure, but then the Amazon rainforest is one awesome piece of real estate, covering about ¾ of the Amazon River basin. It is the world’s...
This map of Peru displays major cities, towns, roads, and rivers. It includes everything from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Rainforest in an elevation map and satellite imagery. Peru map collection Peru Map – Roads & Cities Peru Satellite Map ...
South America is home to the largest tropical rainforest in the world and the famous Amazon River. It also has a rich heritage of culture, language, and art. Students will have fun learning more about South America with these map activities and games. ...
Amazon Rainforest Facts The Amazon rainforest is at least 55 million years old. In earlier geological periods, part of the South American landmass drained into the Pacific Ocean but the formation of the Andes mountain range effectively dammed this flow resulting in a huge lake or inland sea cov...
Brazil is the largest country in South America and has a population of over 200 million people. Its geographical location ranges from tropical beaches to the Amazon rainforest, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world.
A tremendous amount of detail is illustrated allowing literally thousands of the continents physical features to be clearly identified such as the Amazon River and the Panama Canal. The extent of lush rainforest over much of Latin America is also evident in explicit detail. Political boundaries are...
Venezuela is considered a state with extremely high biodiversity, with habitats ranging from the Andes mountains in the west to the Amazon Basin rainforest in the south, via extensive llanos plains and Caribbean coast in the center and the Orinoco River Delta in the east." [Venezuela. Wikipedia...
English: Amazon rainforest English: Brazilian Amazon Esperanto: Amazona arbaro Esperanto: Amazona pluvarbaro Finnish: Amazon Finnish: Amazonia Finnish: Amazonin sademetsä French: Forêt amazonienne French: foret amazonienne French: forêt amazonienne French: poumon de la Terre Galician: Amazonia Galic...
The Surinamese Rainforest region comprisesSuriname's three inland administrative districts: Brokopondo, Para and Sipaliwini. The area is part of the vastAmazon regionand is almost entirely covered with tropical rainforest. MapDirectionsSatellitePhoto Map ...