Cyan: Terranes of the Oceanic Plates Orange: terranes inside the Mobile Belts Blue: Oceanic transform faults; Red: Fault zones in the Continental and Mountain belt domain; Purple: Main subduction zones and suture zones; Orange dots: volcanoes. The related scientific publication is: van Dijk, J...
subductioncollisionA new structural-architectural map of the Cauvery Suture Zone revealing broad lithology, shear zones, fold forms, foliation trajectories and other structural fabrics, along with kinematic displacements has been brought out by making use of available data sets to fulfill the essential ...
forming two corresponding island-arc subduction zones (Jian P et al., 2008), of which the southern subduction zone, located in the Bateaobao–Bainaimiao–Winduermiao region, has relatively complete subduction records and includes the Wenduermiao subduction-accretionary complex and the Bainaimiao island...
Existence of the two notable lowb-value patches as well as the highb-value area between them is unique in the Nankai Trough subduction zone, suggesting that the plate interface is segmented in such a way that two megathrust earthquakes might occur separately, thereby breaking each patch. This s...
Different earthquake nucleation conditions revealed by stress drop and b-value mapping in the northern Chilean subduction zone Article Open access 28 May 2024 Were changes in stress state responsible for the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes? Article Open access 17 June 2020 Two end-membe...
The decline of wild bee populations causes the decline of bee-pollinated plant populations through the deterioration of pollination services. Since high bee species richness generally involves high functional group diversity, protecting areas of high bee
Trenches are the upper most parts of subduction zones and there are dozens of trench locations that are more than 5000 meters below sea level. Strictly speaking, most of the surface of the Earth is below sea level because oceans cover 71% of the planet. But sea level varies and during ...
The northward movement of Australia and Africa will result in the collision of Australia with China and the closure of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Mediterranean. New subduction zones start in the Indian Ocean (Capricorn trench) and along the eastern coasts of North America and South ...
According to the theory ofplate tectonics, forces within Earth propel sections of its crust on various courses, with the result that continents are formed andoceansare opened and closed. Oceans commonly open by rifting—by tearing a continent asunder—and close along subduction zones, which are in...
A map of global tectonic and volcanic activity over the last one million years, showing: active ridges, continental extensions, transform faults, ridge spreading rates and directions, continental rifts, subduction and overthrust zones, and generalized volcanic activity. Illustration prepared by Paul D....