Map Of West Coast 893x1486px / 282 KbGo to Map Map Of East Coast 971x1824px / 447 KbGo to Map Map Of New England 602x772px / 140 KbGo to Map About USA The United States of America (USA), for short America or United States (U.S.) is the third or the fourth-largest country...
Senegal is located in western Africa. Senegal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east, and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south. Additionally, The Gambia is surrounded by Senegal except for on its western coast....
Many of the countries on the West African coast (Togo, Benin, Cameroon) are shaped the way they are to contain a river and its mouth Tragically, a major part of the trade was in slaves. The Nile river flows north through the Sahara on the eastern edge of Africa. The White Nile ...
The map covers the northern portion of Africa, from southern Morocco and Mauritania in the west to Egypt in the east, and from the Mediterranean coast south to partway through Niger, Chad, and Sudan. Indexed, with a glossary of arabic terms, and with short paragraphs on points of interest....
Namibia is vast – and its low rainfall makes much of its geology exceptionally clear. Zoom into the areas and then the lodges on our maps for some amazing views of what the country is really like!At this scale, note the apricot-orange in the south-west: the Namib Desert. Then double-...
Cote d'Ivoire, or Ivory Coast, has water pollution from sewage, industrial and agricultural effluents. Deforestation is another environmental issue, as most of this country's forests (at one time the largest in West Africa) have been heavily logged. ...
The ocean separates the continents of Europe and Africa to the east from those of North and South America to the west. There are a number of countries that border the Atlantic Ocean.Indian Ocean: The Indian Ocean is the third biggest ocean. It is enclosed with Asia in the north, Africa ...
Sierra Leone is on the West Coast of Africa. The potential for tourism is vast, but largely unrealised, despite the end of the Civil War in 2002, and tour operators are looking closely at what the country has to offer. Freetown Kenema Bo MakeniTogo...
Africa West AfricaSierra LeoneSierra Leone is on the West Coast of Africa. The potential for tourism is vast, but largely unrealised, despite the end of the Civil War in 2002, and tour operators are looking closely at what the country has to offer....
Putrajaya, an "Intelligent Garden City" and the federal administrative capital of Malaysia, is a showcase city under construction some 30 km south of the capital Kuala Lumpur.