Last December, Peter Atwood became our first featured contributor with his mesmerizing map of the2023 Canadian wildfire season. We recently caught up with Atwood, a cartographic designer at Esri, to go back to the map and get more details about this animation. What was your inspirati...
There are 883 wildfires active across the country as of Thursday, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. Of those, 544 are burning out of control, while 135 are classified as “being held,” which means the fire is expected to be contained under expected conditions within a...
CBS News created this page to help you understand your fire risk. Updated daily, this page tracks ongoing wildfires across the U.S. and offers a historical perspective to illustrate the increasing frequency of these events. Scroll down or select a topic from the dropdown menu to explore furthe...
Until now,the interactive atlasdid not show climate change projections for Indigenous communities. Only Canadian urban centres were included. The newly-launched feature provides information about the impacts of climate change on 634 First Nations communities and 53 Inuit communities, while also profiling...
We present a space-based retrieval of tropospheric ethane based on thermal infrared radiance observations from the CrIS satellite sensor onboard Suomi-NPP. Spectral detection of ethane is first demonstrated using plume observations downwind of the January 2020 Australian wildfires. Other ethane enhancements...
This interactive spotted laternfly map shows the current range of the invasive species as well as suitable habitats where it might spread and threaten agriculture.
July 2023 Newsletter Wisner Baum Gardasil Lawyers Position Statement on Proposed HPV Vaccine Requirement in California AB 659 How to File a Baby Food Lawsuit What You Should Know About Black Boxes in Cars August Osprey Crash in Australia Kills Three Marines Parents of Brandeis Student Kille...
Finally, here’s a similar look, but this time at Canadian provinces and territories: Regions like British Columbia, Manitoba, Yukon, Newfoundland, and Quebec are known for their hydro power – all get over 85% of their electricity from hydro alone. Meanwhile, Prince Edward Island gets the va...
Jill Hubley has mapped the causes of wildfires in the United States from 1980 to 2016, based onFederal Wildland Fire Occurrence Data. Themaptoggles between main causes (human and natural) and specific cause; there’s also achartranking the causes. ...
The most commonly accepted definition of the Pacific Coast is largely a political one: it defines the region as comprising the U.S. states of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska and the Canadian province of British Columbia, formerly a part of the old Oregon Country. Hawaii is ...