Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Fla.29 Ga.16 Hawaii4 Idaho4 Ill.20 Ind.11 Iowa6 Kan.6 Ky.8 La.8 Maine4 Mich.16 Minn.10 Miss.6 Mo.10 Mont.3 Neb.5 Nev.6 N.M.5 N.Y.29 N.C.15 N.D.3 Ohio18 Okla...
Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Democrat Win Gain Republican Win Gain Other Win Gain Pending Results Polls Open Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold. This threshold va...
Live 2020 Presidential election results and maps by state. POLITICO's coverage of 2020 races for President, Senate, House, Governors and Key Ballot Measures.
Live 2020 Pennsylvania election results and maps by country and district. POLITICO's coverage of 2020 races for President, Senate, House, Governors and Key Ballot Measures.
Get Real-Time Results Never miss a beat by following election results as they happen, starting Nov. 5 President Senate House Governor Guided by Experts Stay informed every step of the way with our in-depth analysis from the world’s top journalists ...
If the election results in a 269 to 269 electoral vote tie, then the House of Representatives convenes to choose the president with each state delegation getting one vote. A Changing Electoral Map In recent elections, there have been a dozen or more truly competitive battlegrounds which could ...
This change will make mapping live election results significantly easier as it now accepts strings like FIPS code or GEOID which sometimes start with a 0. To better understand feature-state, I strongly recommend reading our previouspostwhere we describe the technical specs and basic usage. If yo...
Transform complex election data into insightful, interactive visualizations. Leverage the most up-to-date boundaries data and customizable map design capabilities to empower users with deeper understanding. Check out New York Times’ extremely detailed map of the 2020 Election. ...
Presidential elections are decided at the margins, meaning how a handful of states shift from one election to the next can be enough to cast one party out of the White House and bring the other one in. This was certainly true in 2020, as Joe Biden edged out President Trump thanks to na...
One way to understand a country is to go beyond individual election results to explore trends and changes throughout the years. To support this type of electoral analysis, we’ve created these tilesets which span the last four presidential elections and use geometries fromMapbox Boundariesto visua...