With the advent of satellite technology in the 20th century, maps became even more precise. Today, digital mapping tools like Google Maps allow users to explore every inch of the planet with stunning accuracy. The embedded historical map below shows how maps evolved over time, marking key shifts...
Navigate map of Europe, Europe country maps, satellite images of the Europe, Europe largest city maps, political map of Europe, driving directions and traffic maps.
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1.(Placename) the second smallest continent, forming the W extension of Eurasia: the border with Asia runs from the Urals to the Caspian and the Black Sea. The coastline is generally extremely indented and there are several peninsulas (notably Scandinavia, Italy, and Iberia) and offshore isla...
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1273: Rudolf I of Habsburg is elected Emperor, ending the Interregnum and beginning the rise of the Habsburg dynasty. 14th to 15th Century 1356: Golden Bull issued by Emperor Charles IV, establishing important constitutional aspects of the Empire, including the election process for the Emperor. 14...
The Napoleonic Wars, which redrew the borders of Europe in the early 19th century. World War I and II, which caused significant territorial changes and led to the establishment of new nations. The collapse of the Soviet Union, which resulted in the independence of several Eastern European countr...
One of the most famous of Rome’s many squares, Piazza Navona was established towards the end of the 15th century, and preserves the shape of the Stadium of Domitian that once stood here. Built by Emperor Domitian in 86 AD, the stadium, which had a larger arena than the Colosseum was...
With the advent of satellite technology in the 20th century, maps became even more precise. Today, digital mapping tools like Google Maps allow users to explore every inch of the planet with stunning accuracy. The embedded historical map below shows how maps evolved over time, marking key shifts...
Short history of Canada The first settlement of the state began in the 1000s by Norwegian Vikings. This attempt of colonization brought no results. They resumed only in the late 15th century, when Italian seafarer John Cabot had explored the Atlantic coast of North America for England. Already...