you can access the same drive on different devices, even if you are on a different network. Just go on with the following steps to make WD My Cloud Home map as network drive:
Answer ID 3842: My Cloud, My Cloud Home and My Passport Wireless Not Detected in Windows Network Answer ID 13466: Resolve Share Access Failure Error Code 0x80070035 Network Path Not Found on Windows with a My Cloud Answer ID 12452: Steps to Check Drives for Errors or Failures on Windows an...
I have a NAS (My Cloud Home) that I have been using to back up files which 'requires' a desktop app that is now being discontinued to use but I can enable local access and have done but am unable to access it from my desktop. I started building my own NAS with TrueNas in hopes ...
I have a NAS (My Cloud Home) that I have been using to back up files which 'requires' a desktop app that is now being discontinued to use but I can enable local access and have done but am unable to access it from my desktop. I started building my own NAS with TrueNas i...
Hi, We have a local QNAP nas device in our office, and we have X: mapped to this drive with same username and password for everyone. When we work from home, we connect with VPN and access this drive when we click on X: We have earlier manually…
My NAS is working fine from home network using Add a Network Location, or Mapping a Network drive My cloud is set and i am able to access my NAS from the browser. I am unable to access my NAS from a remote location using "Add a Network Location" or "Map ...
Do I need to enable network discovery to map network drives? If you’re trying to map a network drive on Windows 11 and it’s acting up, it could be because the network discovery feature isn’t enabled. One of the most common problems with home networks is that they don’t work how...
Map network drive on macOS (one-time) Nowadays, most NAS devices are seriously easy to map. Let’s say that you’ve been working on a document in your home office but have just remembered a key fact that you want to include. Time to make a quick edit from your wife’s laptop before...
I have tried so many things and am still stuck.I once installed windows 11 home and it seemed to connect but as everything I have in on a windows 11 pro install I don't... Unable to Map my network drive in Windows 10 Gaming Unable to Map my network d...
Getting aNo space left on deviceerror, but hard drive has enough space leftDocker on Windows by default will allocate only 20GB of space to the default docker-machine. You need to increase that amount. Seethis linkandthis link Cannot start WebODM via./ start, error messages are di...