Map Maker is a free tool for Figma to help you add a Google Map to any of your pages. Just search for the part of the world, choose a style (over 20 to choose from), and whether you want it to be road map, satellite view etc. Here are more details: 👋🏻 First things first...
Think of the map maker tools in this roundup as short-cuts— the right tool will make it quick and easy to create the type of map you want. Let’s dive right in. Top Map Maker Picks Atlist— Custom Google Maps for embedding on websites. Basic Map Maker— Simple map maker. Inkarnat...
Create a custom map with Atlist's easy-to-use map maker tool. Plot as many markers as you want on beautiful, powerful maps. No code required.
【环球科技报道 记者 陈薇】据瘾科技5月12日报道,此前有用户利用Map Maker在 Google Maps恶搞,制作出一张安卓“施肥”在 苹果标志上的图片,虽然谷歌在图片疯传之后已把它删除,不过仍然有后遗症。 当时,谷歌已经将用户自行提交地图修改的功能关掉,换上经审阅后才能刊登的机制,不过他们表示此举引致大量等待审阅的修...
no satellite imagery. To increase the accuracy of the drawings, more experienced users are tasked with evaluating them once they are done. Due to the development of Google Maps, Google Map Maker as an independent entity was shut down, and the functionality offered is transferred to Google Maps...
Create custom Google maps Plot multiple locations or draw routes on map Make an accurate map with locations or routes down to street level & display text or photos in dialog boxes. Plot multiple locations on a map with addresses, zip codes or lat/ long data. ...
Google表示,自2008年以来,Google Map Maker社区已经修改和管理了数百万项功能,以改善Google Maps体验。为了让所有Google地图用户更轻松地对地图进行修改,Google已经开始在将Map Maker的功能迁移到桌面版和移动版Google地图当中。 该工具在过去几年中饱受争议,其中包括Android用户通过这个工具对苹果进行恶作剧,Google甚至一度...
参考地址: 代码如下.. var map; var lastpointer=""; //记录那个大的类似infowindow的div的id var lastpointer1=""; //记录类似maker的div的id var categoryid='<%=CategoryID %>'; ...
上个月,Google Maps上出现“安卓机器人朝着苹果LOGO嘘嘘”的不雅照。事后,谷歌删照道歉。现在,谷歌宣布临时关闭地图在线编辑服务Map Maker。 由于Map Maker服务允许用户向Google地图上传自制数据,加上Map Maker的审核系统确实不够健全,所以才会出现不雅照事件。