使用Map 3D 或 Civil 3D 附加对象后,数据在 vanilla AutoCAD 的特性中不可见,因此导致无法复制到剪贴板。 解决方案:执行以下操作之一: 删除AutoCAD 中的对象数据: 在Vanilla AutoCAD 中打开一个新图形。 运行CLASSICINS...
使用Map 3D 或 Civil 3D 附加对象后,数据在 vanilla AutoCAD 的特性中不可见,因此导致无法复制到剪贴板。 解决方案:执行以下操作之一: 删除AutoCAD 中的对象数据: 在Vanilla AutoCAD 中打开一个新图形。 运行CLA...
This application it's a powerful tool colection for all splecialists involved in civil engineering works. The different types of datums, the parcels management system creating DTM model, sections an others are a big help for land surveyors. I recomend it. 回覆 A wonderful and excellent additi...
Select objects: Use any selection method to select the objects. Enter new value (Bi-directional/From->To/To->From)<B>: EnterBfor bi-directional,Ffor From->To, orTfor To->From. Parent topic:Topology Dialog Boxes Related Tasks To Edit the Direction for a Link ...
Take a screenshot of the current view and save it to an image file or insert it in the current drawing as a raster image reference. Import surface from a LandXML file, from other software applications that can save surface information in this file format, such as Civil 3D. The imported ...
問題: 定義した画層クエリーに追加したスタイルがAutodesk AutoCAD Map 3DまたはCivil 3Dで更新されたとき、または図面を開いたときにメッセージが表示されます。 INTERNAL ERROR: !dbobji.cpp@8617: eNotOpenForWrite こ...
Problème : L'utilisateur a signalé que, lors du traçage d'une présentation avec une connexion WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) au format PDF à l'aide d'AutoCAD Map 3D ou de Civil 3D, l'image et le dessin au trait ne s'alignaient pas. Solution :...
Welcome to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Map 3D Forums. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular AutoCAD Map 3D topics.
首先打开VS2008,创建一个Class Library类型的项目,并添加Map 3D 相关的引用。我们需要添加如下引用,这些文件都在Map3D的安装目录下: acdbmgd.dll acmgd.dll ManagedMapApi.dll 注意要把引用的Copy To Local设置为false。 好了,代码最有说服力,直接看代码吧: ...
In Civil 3D I'd use Description Keys for Symbol and Scale, but I haven't worked much with Thematic Rules. So this was an enjoyable learning experience. I used my own tree block instead of Lee's Dynamic Block. Drawing and Shapefile Attached. (Both are MO83-EF Coordinate System.) Dave ...