Point2D llp = map.getCoordinates(e);booleanshift = e.isShiftDown();booleancontrol = e.isControlDown();if(control) {if(shift) { p.setScale(p.getScale() *2.0f); }else{ p.setScale(p.getScale() /2.0f); } }// reset the points here so the point doesn't get// rendered on the...
g.getCoordinates=function(address) { g.geocoder.getLatLng( address,function(point) {if(point) {varinfoReasult=address+""+point.lat()+""+point.lng()+'\n'; $("txtResult").value+=infoReasult//var infoArea=address+'\n';//$("txtArea").value+=infoArea;}else{varunfound="没有查询到的...
varinterator = linearSeg.GetCoordinates(); while(interator.MoveNext()) { varx = interator.GetCurrent().X; vary = interator.GetCurrent().Y; ed.WriteMessage(string.Format( "\n x = {0}, y={1} ", x, y)); } } } } if(geomisOSGeo.MapGuide.MgLineString) { varls = geomasMgLineStr...
$startPointInPixels = $map->getPixelPointFromCoordinates($this->_startPoint->getLon(),$this->_startPoint->getLat()); $endPointInPixels = $map->getPixelPointFromCoordinates($this->_endPoint->getLon(),$this->_endPoint->getLat());$this->_drawLine($image, $startPointInPixels['x'], $sta...
getVisibleCoordinates().map((tileid: any) => this.terrainSourceCache.getTile(tileid)); 根据terrain数据构建网格,这里对所需要的顶点数据做了一次缓存: getPlaneBuffer(tile: ITile, width: number, height: number, widthSegments: number, heightSegments: number) { if (tile._planeBuffer && tile....
Get coordinates of the mouse pointer Display a popup Create a timeline animation Point src/Point.ts A Point two numbers representing x and y screen coordinates in pixels. Example const p1 = new Point(-77, 38); JavaScript Copy Parameters x(number)Longitude, measured in degrees. y...
换句话说,world坐标系原点要时刻“跟随”机器人中心,并保持着一个固定偏移(-getSizeInMetersX() / 2, -getSizeInMetersY() / 2)。rolling_window是true时,一旦机器人移动了,要以机器人中心坐标为参数调用updateOrigin修改出代价地图原点。对全局代价地图,world坐标系原点是机器人起始点,因而值是false。对局部...
= null)? (int)ViewState["nocount"] : 0); // When a user clicks the "Yes" hot spot, // display the hot spot's name and coordinates. if (e.PostBackValue.Contains("Yes")) { yescount += 1; coordinates = Vote.HotSpots[0].GetCoordinates(); hotSpotType = Vote.HotSpots[0].ToString...
I used to have my Swift devs place the overlay using the correct coordinates that were given by a single person, but we never found out exactly how they did it - and now I can no longer contact the dev. Can anyone help me by telling me how I can get the coordinates (I am thinking...
When you use theGet a Static MapAPI to request static map image metadata, the response returns a Static Map Metadata resource that contains metadata about the static map including the absolute (latitude and longitude) and relative (with respect to the map) coordinates and size of pushpins, as...