To use the control, you need to enable the Geospatial Services for the environment.Watch this video to learn how to use the address input control: Watch this video to learn how to use the map control:In this article, we'll learn how to use the address input control in canvas apps....
Add a map to an app screen Adding pins, routes, and shapes הצג 3 נוספים Easily add an interactive map to your canvas apps. Plot markers from a data source containing addresses or latitude and longitude pairs. As you zoom out, the markers will optionally cluster...
10078 CanvasApp Extended Metadata 10079 Service Plan Mapping 10080 Service Plan Custom Control 10082 ApplicationUser 10085 OData v4 Data Source 10086 Workflow Binary 10087 Credential 10088 Desktop Flow Module 10089 Flow Capacity Assignment 10090 Flow Credential Application 10091 Flow Event 10092 Flow Machine...
Update the Copyright control Make the copyright text smaller and ensure it fits on one line. Use different types of Microsoft logos for different CSS themes to improve visibility. Implement RWD to hide part of the component (MS logo) when the map canvas is relatively small. Enhance base ...
tap {latitude, longitude} 点击地图时触发。 markertap {markerId} 点击地图标记点时触发。 callouttap {markerId} 点击标记点对应弹窗触发。 controltap {controlId} 点击控件触发。 poitap(1050+) {OBJECT} 点击地图poi点时触发。返回值请参见“poitap的OBJECT参数列表”。方法...
修改显示大小,这个时候APP内的字体受影响? 如何使用canvas绘制圆角矩形 如何设置镜像语言的左右间距 组件截图怎么将pixelMap存储到系统相册或应用沙箱 如何实现Scroll、List单边回弹效果 如何合并两个列表并支持懒加载 RelativeContainer组件height设置为auto,子组件以容器作为锚点,为什么auto不生效 如何设置禁止分屏...
Same as street strokes, they have control points with which you can change the shape. After placing some streets, railways and rivers on the canvas, "STAMP" button shows you stamp catalog from which you can choose road signs, map symbols and variety of icons. Not only the built in stamps...
ICanvasShapes ICategoryCollection ICellFormat ICharacters IChartArea IChartCategory IChartColorFormat IChartEvents IChartFillFormat IChartFormat IChartGroup IChartGroups IChartObject IChartObjects ICharts IChartTitle IChartView ICheckBox ICheckBoxes IColorScale IColorScaleCriteria IColorScaleCriterion IColorStop...
b) Open the webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/assets/map/geographic folder in the FineReport installation folder. If no world-3.json can be found there, please download the attachment using the link below and place the file in the folder. c) Restart the Designer to use the scene switch map. ...
b) Open the webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/assets/map/geographic folder in the FineReport installation folder. If no world-3.json can be found there, please download the attachment using the link below and place the file in the folder. c) Restart the Designer to use the scene switch map. ...