Inkarnate— Map maker for DnD. Map Creator— Printable maps. Google Maps Platform— For coding powerful maps. Table of Contents Atlist: Create Beautiful, Custom Google Maps With Multiple Markers Easy to use, custom Google Map maker. I’d suggestAtlistif you need a custom Google Map withmult...
Play in Faerûn With the Help of D&D Beyond Create your D&D Beyond account today, and start using the guided Character Builder to build your very own character destined to explore the undiscovered corners of Faerûn! For Dungeon Masters looking to craft adventures in this legendary land, D&D ...
$COMMIT_SHA' - # Images for the local components - '$PROJECT_ID/ml-pipeline-local-confusion-matrix:$COMMIT_SHA' - '$PROJECT_ID/ml-pipeline-local-roc:$COMMIT_SHA' diff --git a/.release.cloudbuild.yaml b/.release.cloudbuild.yaml index dfde6b3e136..f72f88eb5a6 1006...
Init(builder_); return Status::OK(); } @@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ Status IcebergDeleteNode::AcquireResourcesForBuild(RuntimeState* state) { Status IcebergDeleteNode::Reset(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch) { builder_->Reset(nullptr); iceberg_delete_state_.Reset(); return Blocking...
In addition, implementations can be customized to use other Adobe tools, such as Adobe Flex® Builder™ and Acrobat Connect,™ to provide a rich, interactive platform for process management. Adobe Flex Builder is an application development tool that can be used to create cross-platform rich...
The second step is the most important one, and it is executed using the Model Builder feature of QGIS. The process is based on the vectorization of the pixels in the georefer- enced raster, which, after rescaling for faster processing, are converted to point features (Figure 10b). ISPRS ...
The output files were saved and further used as inputs for the SOM application step. Molecules 2016, 21, 175 12 of 16 3.2. Compound Structures and Fingerprint Representation The molecular structures of the current database were built and cross-checked using the builder in the MOE software [44...
Plan plan; Plan plan; plan = marmot.planBuilder("Top five cities with the largest number of subway stations") plan = marmot.planBuilder("Top five cities with the largest number of subway stations") .load("subway_stations") .load("subway_stations") .ce.ncetrnotirdo(id"t(h"teh_eg_...
There are some great sources of tokens, such asForgotten Adventures(you can get all their tokens for free). You can use the token importer to mass import tokens. Dungeoneer is built for windows as of now but a Mac build is included in the releases. If you are on Linux you will have...