I know that Monterey is nearing end oƒ support and I'll have to replace it soon but I'm not in a rush. The problem however...: All oƒ a sudden the "f" key on the keyboard is wrongly mapped - as you'll see from my typing here, I'm getting the "ƒ" symbol (or "...
Mouse, Keyboard, and Trackpad User Interactions Supporting Continuity Camera in Your Mac App Sound, Speech, and Haptics Windows, Panels, and Screens Animation Appearance Customization View Layout View Management Views and Controls User Interface App Extensions Resource Management Cocoa...
io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly = true; // Main loop while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { // Poll and handle events (inputs, window resize, etc.) // You can read the io.WantCaptureMouse, io.WantCaptureKeyboard flags to tell if dear imgui wants to use your inputs....
5. Apple Pencil Support The app also plays nice with your Apple Pencil. It's just another thing that helps make WriteMapper for iPad more versatile, powerful, and natural than ever. WRITEMAPPER ON YOUR OTHER DEVICES Get WriteMapper for your Mac or Windows desktop computer to experience the ful...
When you enter the IP address, the check button to enter it is hidden by the keyboard, would be great if you could just hit enter or if it automatically took it. The IP address . Periods/dots don’t automatically get put in as they do in almost all networking entry forms, would be...
(options include: none, alt, // control, shift, windows, and apple) modifierkeys thekey = keyboard.modifiers; // check to ensure that only the alt key is being depressed. if (thekey == modifierkeys.alt) { // get the current map resolution. double currentresolution = map1.resolutio...
The navigation methods outlined below still apply when using version 2.7 or greater of the API on a non-Apple device and to previous versions of the API. Users can choose the mouse, keyboard, and sliders for panning and zooming a map, depending on what is enabled in the HTML page. By ...
# search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S # (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically # <CTRL>, <ALT>/<option>, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down ...
TouchPhase TouchScreenKeyboardType TouchType TransferFunction TransparencySortMode TreeMotionVectorModeOverride UserAuthorization ValidationLevel VerticalWrapMode VRTextureUsage WaitTimeoutMode WebCamKind WeightedMode WhitePoint WindZoneMode WrapMode Attributes Assemblies UnityEditor Unity ...
Note that using large negative bias can reduce performance, so it's not recommended to use more than -0.5 negative bias. In most cases you can achieve better sharpening of the Texture by using anisotropic filtering.Mipmap bias doesn't work with the following: MaterialPropertyBlocks. Some ...