Tribes of Israel Tribes of Israel Twelve in number . . . Gen. 49:28 Descended from Jacob’s sons . . . Gen... Tyre Tyre—a seaport city 25 miles south of Sidon Ancient city . . . Josh. 19:29 Noted for commerce . ... Ummah Ummah—association Asherite town...
Pre-roman empire, post-normans, before the Prussians, prior to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or after the Ottomans, post-Soviets, or after Tito, or way before the Huns, Vandals and the Barbarians and any number of the Germanic tribes? Nevertheless, essayist Yaroslav Trofimov takes a stab at...
7266 tribes of Israel 7266 tribes of Israel The divisions of Israel on lines of kinship, according to descent from the... 7302 altar 7302 altar A construction, usually of wood, stone or metal, for the offering of sacrifice. The... 7312 Baal 7312...
Related Topics: Judaism Bible Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Ephraim Dan See all related content Israel, either of two political units in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): the united kingdom of Israel under the kings Saul, David, and Solomon, which lasted from about 1020 to 922 bce; or the...
Elat, port city, southern extremity of Israel. It lies at the south tip of the Negev and at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba (Hebrew, Mifratz Elat), the eastern arm of the Red Sea. Al-ʿAqabah, Jordan, also located on the Gulf of Aqaba, lies 4 miles (7 km) to the southeast...
当远离偶像与邪术 - 耶和华以大能的手托住我,教导我不要走这子民所走的道路;他对我这样说: “这子民所称为阴谋的,你们都不要称为阴谋; 他们所怕的,你们不要怕,也不要畏惧。 你们要尊万军之耶和华为圣, 他是你们当怕的, 也是你们当畏惧的。 他必向信靠他的...
7266 tribes of Israel 7266 tribes of Israel The divisions of Israel on lines of kinship, according to descent from the... 7310 avenger of blood 7310 avenger of blood The one responsible in OT law for carrying out the death penalty in the... 7315 bloo...
Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Ottoman period spanned more than 600 years and came to an end only in 1922, when it was replaced by the Turkis...
Ethnically, the population is fairlyhomogeneous, withBulgariansmaking up more than four-fifths of the total.Slavictribes who settled in the eastern part of theBalkan Peninsulain the 6th centurybceassimilatedto a large extent the localThracianculture, which had roots in the 4th centurybce, and form...