Historians and geographers have variously explored the WWI discharged soldier settlement schemes in New Zealand. The shared orthodoxy has emphasised the widespread failure of many of these soldier settlers and settlements. Recently there have been signs of a revisionist interpretation of the scheme. This...
The Maori had many myths and legends regarding the land's volcanic mountains. Perhaps the most well known regards the location of Taranaki, Tongariro and Pihanga as they stand today. It is said that the other two volcanoes competed for the love of the beautiful Pihanga, and Taranaki lost. ...
land settlements from the New Zealand government in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, most notably a 1997 settlement of $170 million (New Zealand) withSouth Island’sNgāi Tahu tribe and a 2008 land exchangeworthmore than $420 million (New Zealand) with a group of sevenNorth Island...
and parades. With the increasing attention paid to Māori history and culture, Waitangi Day has also become an occasion for reflection on the historical effects of European settlement on theindigenouspeople. Another, more sombre, public holiday isANZAC Day—April 25, the day in 1915 when amphibiou...
either or both parents) and commonallegianceto a chief or chiefs (ariki). Traditionally, at the day-to-day level, the most important social groups were thehapū(subtribe), which was the primary landholding group and the one within which marriage was preferred, and thewhānau, orextended ...
History of New Zealand, a survey of the important events and people in the history of New Zealand from the time of Polynesian settlement. Comprising two main islands and a number of small islands, New Zealand is a remote country in the South Pacific Ocea
When overseas prices began to recover in 1934, the country was financially strong, but little had been done for the unemployed. Conditions in towns and relief camps led to rioting, violence, and widespread discontent, all of which were favourable to the Labour Party. The Labour Party had been...