OverviewofMaoriHistoryandTradition •ArrivalinNewZealand:TheMaoripeoplearetheindigenouspopulationofNewZealand,havingmigratedfromEasternPolynesiaincanoessome800yearsago •TribalStructure:Maorisocietywasorganizedintoiwi(trials),whichwerefurtherdividedintohapu(subtrials)andthenintoindividualfamiliesorWhanau •Spiritual...
Many, many of these Certain rituals and ceremonies could be used to lift ancient charms and their magical effects were recorded. tapu from a person, place or object. Also unlike many They vary from the subtle (e.g. charming away a toothache) other qualities such a mauri and mana, tapu ...
but also during rituals. The ritual karakia is difficult and dangerous to execute, because a mistake during the performance will attract bad luck, illness and even the death of the reciter. For very important karakia two priest reciters are needed in order to alternate the breathing...